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Episode 39: How to Create A Framework for Setting Productivity Boundaries

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Are you someone that feels the need to respond instantly to any type of request that comes in? In this culture that is constantly wanting instant gratification, I’m here to tell you it’s okay to wait. The surprising fact is, if you’re constantly in reaction mode, it’s highly unlikely you’re really getting anything done. Whether […]

Episode 38: How to Create Sustainable Communities with Linda Perry

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In Episode 38, my dear friend and Levin Life Coach Academy collaborator Linda Perry joins me for a deep conversation about why creating sustainable communities is so important. Linda is a Master Coach and business Strategist who brings lessons learned from years of experience helping build powerful communities. When we met, Linda and I both […]

Episode 35: The Hidden Power of Procrastination

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Whether it’s keeping up with household chores, completing work assignments, or finally getting back to that missed phone call or text, we all find ourselves procrastinating from time to time. If you’re anything like I was, you might see procrastination as a weakness, or as an inherently negative trait. Well, I’m here to tell you […]

Episode 34: 50 Desires: A Powerful Exercise in Claiming Your Dream Life Now

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I see a common problem among overgivers, people-pleasers, and those who put their dreams on hold to make other people happy. After years of putting themselves last, it feels like an impossible task to witness, name, and own one’s desires. Over the years, I have coached thousands of people worldwide in my 50 Desires exercise, […]

Episode 30: The New Year’s Ritual that Will Keep Your Goals on Track All Year Long

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The way that we approach the new year sets the foundation for the year ahead. That’s why in this episode, I encourage you to avoid the tempting habit of kicking things off with unrealistic goals filled with deprivation and restriction. Instead, I encourage you to focus on approaching the new year by setting non-negotiables, not […]