Bring Your Underlying Commitments Out of the Shadows
For eighteen years I thought I was committed to my marriage. But I’ve since discovered that what I was more committed to being indispensable. This drive kept me stuck in an unhealthy marriage, it overrode my own wants and needs, and had me abandon my own happiness. We all think that we’re going after what […]
Can you survive the fear of rejection and ask for help?
In April 2010, I was out to dinner with Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson, and Reid Tracy after our “Speak, Write, Promote: Become a Mover and Shaker” event in Boston. Even though at that point I had been separated from my husband for three months, I had not revealed to Louise and Reid what was going […]
Are you listening?
I’m spending the night with myself for the first time in ages. Contrary to what some might believe, I’m an introvert and recharge by being alone. I actually crave hours on end without anyone else around. And I’m in a relationship with a man who has a strong need for connection, of course! When I used […]
Can you forgive and move forward?
harbor from this liminal state we are reborn into a threshold between worlds through the fabric of fog a map for another way presents itself we see – in a flash – how life could be can we return to what is familiar and make it new finding mystery in comfort or do i embark […]
Desire is not a dirty word
Do you get so caught up in the fear you won’t get what you want, that you don’t even allow yourself to become aware of what you truly desire? And, if you do make contact with a desire, do you tell yourself all the reasons you can’t have it or why you aren’t worthy of it or […]
Retiring as Superwoman from Perfectionville
Hi, my name is Nancy, and I’m a Recovering Perfectionist. I grew up placing all my self-worth in the hands of others. I based my worthiness on how perfectly I could do everything and thought the external validation I received – especially for accomplishing and achieving the impossible – would fill me and make me […]
Can you continue on with courage?
I had a massive breakthrough this past weekend at I Can Do It! Denver. A few months ago I invited my beau to join me at the conference, given that it’s so close to home, and that way he could finally see my Hay House world and meet my peeps. Oh, and um, see me […]
Can you say no?
The truth is, most of us don’t know how to set and maintain good boundaries. We’ve been taught to put the needs of others ahead of our own. And the attachment many of us feel to keeping others happy is tenacious. Pleasing becomes our currency, the way we purchase love and attention. But each time […]
Do you tell yourself the truth?
As a kid, like most children, I was trying to figure out who I needed to be and what I needed to do to get the most love possible, while avoiding trouble and pain as much as I could. For me, attempting to be perfect was simply an unconscious survival strategy. As I’ve shared openly, […]
Hey, What’s Stopping You?
Are you where you want to be? If you aren’t…if you feel stuck and at the mercy of your limiting beliefs…do you ever wonder why? Two words: Shadow Beliefs. Shadow Beliefs live in the shadows of our unconscious and are formed as we interpret and assign meaning to the significant events or incidents we experience early in our lives. […]