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Are you willing to reclaim your light?

blog feature

unbound we may never know how we hold all we can or how the light catches us when we are out of breath It’s a sign of healing to be feeling again the real breakthrough can only arise from heartbreak that which ails cures reminding us that it’s always about beginning and then beginning again […]

Get ready to take back your projections!

blog feature

Ever notice how the people closest to you can also trigger the heck out of you? She’s so selfish. He’s so rude. She’s a know-it-all. He’s irresponsible.  But, here’s the deal: Every characteristic we don’t like in someone else, exits within us as well. As the old saying goes – when you point a finger […]

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret…

blog feature

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret… You know that suffering your experiencing…well, it’s directly related to your own interpretation of the situation. Huh? What? Listen. Here’s the deal: Our stories – our interpretations, conclusions and what we make things mean – keep us stuck and cause us pain. And your ticket to […]

Need to flex your dreaming and visioning muscles?

blog feature

I did my first – totally impromptu – Periscope broadcast on Monday afternoon while I was out for a hike on the Rim Trail in Snowmass, CO. Earlier in the day as I watched my friend Gabby Bernstein broadcasting I noticed I had an authentic desire to as well! In that moment I made a […]

Are you stuck in self-sabotage and self-doubt?

blog feature

Feeling that we’re not enough, or not good enough translates into the fear that we’ll never have enough. Fear of success and fear of failure are two sides of one coin, and our self-sabotage and self-doubt are self-fulfilling prophecies in which we unknowingly make damn sure we never, ever have all that we need. It’s […]

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

blog feature

Whether it’s a marriage, relationship, job, geographical location – how do you know when it’s time to move on? When it came to my marriage, the truth is that our relationship had been crumbling for quite some time. I’d chosen to stay in such deep denial that it took an explosion of epic proportions to […]

Are You Living In Reaction or Taking Action?

blog feature

Are you constantly responding to people, situations and circumstances coming at you? Do you wait for others to make decisions first and then just defer to their choices? Are you chasing gold stars? Do you feel responsible for catering to everyone else before yourself, believing that their wants, needs and desires are more important than […]

Got a book in you?

blog feature

I’ve invited my very first guest blogger to be part of my newsletter this week! I’m excited to introduce you to my brilliant editor – and (full disclosure) my very dear friend – Kelly Notaras! Five Tips for Actually, Really Writing That Book by Kelly Notaras You’ve been thinking about it for years. Maybe even talking about it […]

reclaiming the lost pieces of me

blog feature

reclaiming the lost pieces of me in seven hours we reached the desert by morning clear blue sky and red rock wake us move us remove us from the usual we travel to see what happens elsewhere to find the difference in ourselves inside another place reordering the regular giving order to what has gone […]

Is it time for a graceful exit?

blog feature

Every entrance is also an exit. Any major transition has the capacity to be a catalyst for rebirth. It’s up to us to allow in what is possible – whether blissful or challenging – and respond to it in a life-affirming way. The Graceful Exit (Step 9 in my Jump! Coaching Process) is a transitional […]