Episode 29: The 3 life skills you need to stay aligned and show up as your best self

Do you find that the holiday season makes it difficult for you to stay aligned with what’s in your best interest? For many of us, this time of year can mean crossed boundaries, difficult conversations, and putting ourselves last – but it doesn’t have to be that way! What if instead, you could use the […]
Episode 28: The Transformative Power of Grief and Loss, with David Kessler

I’m deeply honored to have my dear friend and world’s foremost expert on grief and loss, David Kessler join me in this episode. David is the author of six books, including On Grief and Grieving, which he co authored with Elizabeth Kubler Ross, and which updated her five stages for grief. In this episode, David […]
Episode 27: Live Coaching: Boundaries Without Excuses, Micro Actions Toward Success, Changing a Long-Held Pattern in a Marriage

You know that great feeling of gaining clarity as you talk through an issue or dilemma? It happens with all three women I coach in this episode of The Nancy Levin Show! First, Christine struggles to set boundaries at work when she’s being pressured to do more. Natalie is about to embark on a cross-country […]
Episode 26: How to Have Difficult Conversations and What to Say When You Fear You Won’t Be Heard

Have you ever had to have a difficult conversation with someone about something you’re doing or feeling? Something that you’ve never shared with this person, or maybe with anyone, ever? Or perhaps you’re currently preparing yourself to have a challenging conversation. One you envision won’t go well, and will result in enormous hurt on both […]
Episode 25: Live Coaching: Changing Your Relationship to Work and Friends

What’s one thing the workplace and friendships have in common? They’re both areas where people have trouble creating healthy boundaries. In this episode of Your Permission Prescription, I coach Sue, Kaitlin, and Priyash. Sue is exhausted between working full-time and building her business, but she’s scared to scale back and lose clients. Priyash is overwhelmed […]
Episode 24: How to Heal Your Relationship to Money, with Bari Tessler

I’m thrilled to bring my dear friend Bari Tessler onto The Nancy Levin Show. Bari is a financial therapist and the author of The Art of Money: A Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness. Her methodology weaves together emotional and financial literacy to heal and empower one’s relationship with money. In this episode, Bari talks about […]
Episode 23: My Arms Aren’t on Anyone’s Vision Board Anymore

I’ve been thinking a lot about something Laurie Wagner said in episode 18 of The Nancy Levin Show. She talked about letting your belly hang over your jeans. That was never something I felt safe doing. Growing up, my body was scrutinized. Then, in my marriage, my body was scrutinized. Having a thin, toned body […]
Episode 22: Living with a Degenerative Disease

“Just when you have something figured out, it completely changes again.” That’s what Maria Aleandra says about life since her husband, Jules, was diagnosed with ALS in March 2020. In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I talk to Maria about what she’s learned since caring for her husband over the past year and […]
Episode 21: Live Coaching: Handling Negative Friends

How do you balance embracing your feelings and protecting them? In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I coach Karen, Patty, and Peg through three very different dilemmas. Karen is struggling with a dear friend whose focus on the negative brings her down. Patty just started LLCA and is afraid she won’t let herself […]
Episode 20: The Morning Routine That Transformed My Day

The way we wake up sets the tone for the whole day — so in this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I’m sharing my personal non-negotiable morning routine! Learn how carving out even a little bit of time for yourself first thing can bring a measure of calm to your morning. (And here’s a […]