Are You Ready to Shift Your Life?
I’m writing this on my flight back from London, which proved to be a pivotal experience for me. Rarely in our lives do we find ourselves in the real-time of experiencing a moment of true transformation. And having the honor of speaking at Hay House UK’s ignite conference was one of those moments. As most […]
immersing and emerging
immersing and emerging i watch her swim away from fear toward a sea free from restraint she does not look up or around only within breathing in and out immersing and emerging criticism crawls out of her body as she glides into a confident sheath peace ignites her core for the first time she understands […]
Feeling More Juicy and Alive at 50 Than Ever Before
As you read this – on my actual 50th birthday – I’ll have already been swept away by my beau to an undisclosed location for a surprise getaway celebration. Surprises and I haven’t always been friends – the Type A-Producer-Control Freak-With-A-Strong-Need-To-Know in me used to have a really hard time chucking my routine to go […]
Create the Life You Have Always Desired
Yesterday was the second anniversary of Debbie Ford’s passing. Two years have gone by already. It’s hard to believe. I can’t really wrap my brain around her not being here anymore physically. She’s still in my “favorites” and “vip” lists on my iPhone. I still have our thread of text messages saved. There are days […]
mindfulness…is a request
mindfulness…is a request by nancy levin mindfulness is a request to retire auto-pilot to invite inquiry around what’s truly alive inside in each moment allowing attention to swell and land igniting authentic movement sometimes i still find it so confronting to listen closely for my desire as it rises still so easy for it to […]
Uncover What Keeps You Joylessly Holding Onto the Past
Last Friday I had a surprise overnight getaway with my man. On Saturday morning I woke naturally, as usual – anywhere between 5am and 6am is fair game for me – but unexpectedly, there was no possible way I could get out of bed. I was bone tired, and instead of poking, prodding and guilting […]
we may never know how we hold all we can or how the light catches us when we are out of breath it’s a sign of healing to be feeling again the real breakthrough can only arise from heartbreak that which ails cures reminding us that it’s always about beginning and then beginning again as […]
My Name Is Nancy, And I Am Not Perfect
I know it sounds irrational. If I’d stopped to really think about it, I would have realized that what I expected of myself was unrealistic. But I was operating on automatic pilot, and I was attached to the belief that I could somehow do it all without anyone ever seeing my weaknesses. Somewhere deep in […]
More on Setting Boundaries
This week my Jump! Coaching Group continues to work on boundaries. As I shared last week, setting just one new boundary can make a profound impact, and help us to develop the courage to set more. Many of us have an interior dialogue – I call mine the “inner critic crawl” like the lines that run […]
Can You Imagine Yourself Free?
In June, the courageous women in my Summer 2014 Jump! Coaching Group have taken the first three steps in my 10-Step process with Jump … And Your Life Will Appear! It has not always been easy – but it has been somewhat magical! – to feel the space opening in our internal worlds as we are no […]