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Can You Imagine Yourself Free?

In June, the courageous women in my Summer 2014 Jump! Coaching Group have taken the first three steps in my 10-Step process with Jump … And Your Life Will Appear!Step 3 Jump Coaching

It has not always been easy – but it has been somewhat magical! – to feel the space opening in our internal worlds as we are no longer hiding ourselves and placating our fears. As Independence Day approaches here in the US, I asked them to envision personal freedom by imagining a life free from whatever it they they are holding onto so tightly, and what’s available on the other side of whatever it is they desire to change.

Living according to habits is like never trying a new recipe: We miss all the other flavors that are possible. When we start to think differently, the outside world begins to change. Transformation thrusts us into the unfamiliar.

Allowing ourselves to imagine it helps it become familiar, it fills that space and allows us to find comfort and stability. You don’t actually have to make the leap in order to reap the benefits of a new possibility. All you have to do is start to visualize different options. By willingly considering what potentialities may exist in the abyss of the unknown, you can begin to imagine yourself free.

Jump! Coaching

Visualizing ourselves free:

  • Gives us a new perspective and allows us to reframe our situations
  • Has us begin to feel excited about the possibilities for our lives
  • Invites us to step into the unfamiliar where new opportunities live
  • Allows us to see who we would be if we were no longer living a life that was

I am so proud of the women in this group for allowing themselves to imagine what their lives could be after the changes they long to make. Imagining themselves free has already opening them up to a new understanding about themselves and the future that lies ahead.

Can you imagine yourself free? What are the feelings, thoughts and physical sensations you notice? Feel free to share below!

Are YOU considering making a change? Are you yearning for a safe place with the necessary support to take your next step? Are you looking for accountability to hold you to the commitment you make to yourself? If so, register here for your for your *complimentary* jump-start session To enroll in my Fall 2104 Jump! Coaching Group!

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From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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