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Retiring as Superwoman from Perfectionville

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Hi, my name is Nancy, and I’m a Recovering Perfectionist. I grew up placing all my self-worth in the hands of others. I based my worthiness on how perfectly I could do everything and thought the external validation I received – especially for accomplishing and achieving the impossible – would fill me and make me […]

Can you continue on with courage?

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I had a massive breakthrough this past weekend at I Can Do It! Denver. A few months ago I invited my beau to join me at the conference, given that it’s so close to home, and that way he could finally see my Hay House world and meet my peeps. Oh, and um, see me […]

Can you say no?

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The truth is, most of us don’t know how to set and maintain good boundaries. We’ve been taught to put the needs of others ahead of our own. And the attachment many of us feel to keeping others happy is tenacious. Pleasing becomes our currency, the way we purchase love and attention. But each time […]

Do you tell yourself the truth?

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As a kid, like most children, I was trying to figure out who I needed to be and what I needed to do to get the most love possible, while avoiding trouble and pain as much as I could. For me, attempting to be perfect was simply an unconscious survival strategy. As I’ve shared openly, […]

Hey, What’s Stopping You?

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Are you where you want to be?  If you aren’t…if you feel stuck and at the mercy of your limiting beliefs…do you ever wonder why? Two words: Shadow Beliefs. Shadow Beliefs live in the shadows of our unconscious and are formed as we interpret and assign meaning to the significant events or incidents we experience early in our lives. […]

Make One Different Choice

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Each time my Jump! Coaching clients reach Step 4, Make One Different Choice, change begins to amplify. It is my honor to support them in making one different choice so they can dissolve a pattern and prove to themselves that there is life beyond the familiar. It’s clear to see that your past choices got you […]

Are You Ready to Think Differently?

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This past weekend I had the honor of speaking at Hay House’s Writer’s Workshop in Chicago along with Mike Dooley, Reid Tracy and Kelly Notaras. The event was incredible, and if you know you have a book in you I highly recommend joining us for one. Why not take advantage of the opportunity to submit […]

Feeling More Juicy and Alive at 50 Than Ever Before

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As you read this – on my actual 50th birthday – I’ll have already been swept away by my beau to an undisclosed location for a surprise getaway celebration. Surprises and I haven’t always been friends – the Type A-Producer-Control Freak-With-A-Strong-Need-To-Know in me used to have a really hard time chucking my routine to go […]

Create the Life You Have Always Desired

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Yesterday was the second anniversary of Debbie Ford’s passing. Two years have gone by already. It’s hard to believe. I can’t really wrap my brain around her not being here anymore physically. She’s still in my “favorites” and “vip” lists on my iPhone. I still have our thread of text messages saved. There are days […]

Happiness Is An Inside Job

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Today my friend and bestselling publisher Linda Joy released Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness featuring the soul-inspiring stories of 27 amazing women who share their intimate stories of transformation. For a limited time you can get over 40 transformational gifts with your copy of Choosing Happiness. Grab your copy today http://bit.ly/Happiness_Book I’m excited […]