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Is Your Joy a Priority?

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For so long, I had been so responsible and so hell-bent on people-pleasing that I didn’t have much appreciation or reverence for fun. I thought play was a waste of time and that people who engaged in it were lazy or not on a serious path. I have since learned that play is actually vital […]


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whole while the healing navigates the map my heart and mind makes, it’s the radiating rhythm of vibration and stillness that now allows me to receive what hides and translate all there is to see. this journey to knowing, deep in my essence, that i am loved. no matter what i do or don’t do, […]

Shall we set aside some time to play?

blog feature

Are you able to relax and enjoy yourself? If you’re anything like I used to be, you might be afraid of fun! I want you to Join me for some practice with play. Take a deep breath and Imagine yourself as someone who seeks out chances to have fun and experience joy. Take another deep breath […]

What are you grateful for?

blog feature

terra firma sifting back through rack and ruin from decades of debris desire climbs with each new stretch of time mileage across ranges seasons states and seas now i am the woman i have been waiting for I am grateful to be the woman I had been waiting for. What are you grateful for?

Are You Making Your Joy a Priority?

blog feature

It took working the steps in both my books Jump … And Your Life Will Appear and WORTHY: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth (Hay House, August 2016) to get in touch with what I wanted—just for me. Even once I connected with my desires, they seemed crazy and selfish at first. I […]

Transformation in Thailand: Part 1

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  I’m 10 days into being home alone. I’ve been damn near hermetic actually, going out only for hikes and groceries, engaging with clients, friends and family over the phone only, and seeing no one. My definition of heaven. I’ve relished every moment to myself of working, writing, binge-watching and even cooking. Only 4 more […]

Are You Addicted to Approval?

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The truth is, most of us don’t know how to set and maintain good boundaries. We’ve been taught to put the needs of others ahead of our own. And the attachment many of us feel to keeping others happy is tenacious. Pleasing becomes our currency, the way we purchase love and attention. Each time you […]

Can you love yourself more?

blog feature

I often talk about honoring the space between no longer and not yet, for it’s in this miminal space that resiliency and resourcefulness are born. I spent much of last year self-resourcing. And finding resiliency in self-love. Awakening to myself first. On February 25, 2014 – my 49th birthday – the man I had been […]

So, what is your one different choice?

blog feature

Movement mobilizes possibility, and change begins with making a different choice. Take one powerful action today and everything will begin to shift and crack open. Making one different choice for yourself can have an enormous impact as you move toward jumping into your new and better life. When you do one thing differently, you dissolve […]

immersing and emerging 

blog feature

geometry of ritual if you get it right there’s a chaos missing a pose is found in its unraveling you may only catch a glimpse but progress is not bending or reaching farther growth resides in recognizing enough if you only concentrate on touching the ground you miss out on the limitless grace of your experience […]