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Are You Making Your Joy a Priority?

It took working the steps in both my books Jump … And Your Life Will Appear and WORTHY: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth (Hay House, August 2016) to get in touch with what I wanted—just for me.

Even once I connected with my desires, they seemed crazy and selfish at first. I thought they were over the top and even “a waste of money” in some cases. But slowly, I expanded what I thought was possible for me and allowed myself to have more of what I desired. I started to see that some of my desires weren’t so crazy after all—I just had to take my blinders off. Then, I could give myself permission to want beyond what I thought was possible.

The process culminated in me hiring a woman to come to my home in Boulder once a week and cook healthy food for me. At the time I was traveling a lot and was tired of getting home to an empty kitchen after a long trip. I had stood in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store too overwhelmed to put anything in my cart too many times. I remember wishing I could just take a pill for each meal containing all the nutrients I needed so I didn’t have to deal with food. I hated to cook, so I’d either grab something quick to eat…or just not eat at all. Having this wonderful personal chef fill my fridge during that time was a fabulous convenience when I was tired from traveling. The food she made was ready for me to heat and serve. I loved it, and I felt loved.

I also discovered that it didn’t cost much more than going to the grocery store and buying food to make myself. Why did it feel like such an extravagance? Just because of my mindset. The idea of having a personal chef always seemed like something only the very wealthy would do. But my mindset had nothing to do with reality. Not only was a chef within the realm of possibility, but within the realm of practicality and reason. Still, it took some work to get to a place where I believed I was worthy of paying someone to cook for me, as opposed to simply opening a can of soup.

Once I stopped traveling as much for my job, I had more time to cook for myself and actually began finding some joy in it. So I decided not to have a professional cook anymore. But I will hire one again in a heartbeat when I feel like it! Because I’ve expanded what I think I’m worthy of having, I no longer consider a personal chef to be such an extravagant expense.

That experience made me realize that pieces of my “desired life” are attainable much sooner than I thought they’d be. I’m living proof that you can absolutely increase what you believe is possible for you to have!

Many of us make the mistake of thinking about our personal goals or hobbies as optional — things we do only if there is time left over.

What if you knew that engaging in the activities that support you feeling like the most energized and alive version of yourself, the more productive you will be in all other areas of your life?

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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