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Discover Your Intuitive Gifts

blog feature

Jumping requires faith. Faith that when you jump, there will be a net, you will not be destroyed, that you will sail and fly. Your first leap of faith is to admit to yourself what you already know. The result is enormously freeing, and is the primary stepping-stone to true freedom. The second, more challenging, […]

My Journey with Journaling

blog feature

Katie Dalebout, author of Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling, will be my guest on my Hay House Radio show this week! And wow, does that bring up a lot around my own journey through journaling! Journaling is how I solve and dissolve complex equations of heart and head. It’s my personal commitment to revealing. We discover ourselves in […]

Love Yourself First!

blog feature

Today I’d like to share this poem with you; for me it captures the difficulty of loving another before you learn to love yourself. lean into the loving my primary landscape needs healing crevasses and couloirs reaching into spring an initiation way before this took root in me the past unfreezing echoing inside my present […]

Harness Your Power!

blog feature

For a long time I didn’t believe I had any choice. I was too afraid of the consequences of leaving my marriage –or my job, for that matter – that I allowed myself to stay stuck. Which I know now was actually a choice… And guess what? Divorce, entrepreneurship and major change didn’t annihilate me. In fact, they did […]

Embrace the Unknown

blog feature

If your life were a house, would it have been condemned long ago? If so, it’s time to make a different choice. When you choose to do even one thing differently, you take a step toward dissembling structures you’ve had in place for a while – probably many years. Releasing our fears about jumping into the […]

Learn the Art of Receiving

blog feature

When you make a big change in your life – when you jump – you need support. If you’re a giver like me, you probably find it difficult to ask others to assist you. I know I used to think that asking for help meant I was weak. I also didn’t want anyone to know […]

I Know It’s Time to Jump… But How?

blog feature

  I hid the truth about myself from myself for a long time before I was brave enough to make my jump into a new and better life. My wish in sharing this poem with you is that it will inspire you to take heart, and find the courage to dive into the light of […]

How your self-worth influences your net worth

blog feature

While in the midst of putting the finishing touches on my next book, Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth releasing from Hay House this August, I thought I’d share a bit about it with you here. When we feel that we aren’t enough, or that we aren’t good enough, we also fear that we’ll […]

How To Set Boundaries (Even If You Think You Can’t)

blog feature

Leaving my marriage and whole-heartedly deciding not to return felt like what I imagine it might feel like to leave a cult. As my mind began to clear, and as my habits of reactivity and walking on eggshells began to lessen and loosen, setting boundaries became easier. The months that followed were a blur. I […]

The Easy Way Out Is Always Harder

blog feature

When we betray ourselves and others, it’s often because we’ve made the “easier choice” – consciously or unconsciously. But this “easier choice” is actually the cowardly choice. For example, at the time, I mistakenly believed that it was easier for me to have an affair than to tell myself, and my husband, the truth of wanting out […]