Episode 88: Uncovering Unconscious Beliefs: Exploring the Relationship between Childhood and Adulting

In this episode of Your Permission Prescription, I discuss the relationship between unconscious beliefs formed in childhood and the way we show up as adults. Our unconscious beliefs (or shadow beliefs) from childhood, whether they were directly taught to us or were unconsciously crafted, can keep us stuck from creating the future we most desire. […]
Episode 87: Envision Your Empowered Future: The Game-Changing Power of Boundary Setting

In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I’ll help you envision your empowered future. If you’re not getting what you want out of life, boundaries can help you shift and change. The first step is to exercise your imagination muscle. Your vision is the most powerful tool in setting the boundaries you want the […]
Episode 86: Closing the Confidence Gap with Kelli Thompson

In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I talk with Kelli Thompson. Kelli is a Women’s Leadership Coach and Speaker who helps women advance to the rooms where decisions are made. She has coached and trained hundreds of women to trust themselves, lead with more confidence, and create a career they love. She is […]
Episode 85: Pattern Interruption: How Making One Powerful Decision Creates Opportunity

In this episode of Your Permission Prescription, we’re looking at financial health and how making one powerful financial decision activates other choices. The decisions you make move you towards your future. Every decision you make, every action you take, either works towards your vision or against it. If you make a decision that impacts your […]
Episode 84: Live Coaching: Being Right, Underlying Commitments, and Respecting Your Own Boundaries

In this episode of Your Permission Prescription, I give live and unscripted coaching to 3 people. Barbara feels she needs to be perceived as “right.” We discuss how this goes back to seeking external validation. Then, Lisa desires to make a career shift. We talk about her underlying commitments and how taking micro-actions toward her […]
Episode 78: Create a Relationship with Yourself by Journaling

In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I share my own personal journey with journaling and why it’s such a powerful practice for self-inquiry and self-discovery. Initially, my journey with journaling began when I was 11 years old as a way for me to communicate with my deceased brother. I was a loner, and […]
Episode 28: The Transformative Power of Grief and Loss, with David Kessler

I’m deeply honored to have my dear friend and world’s foremost expert on grief and loss, David Kessler join me in this episode. David is the author of six books, including On Grief and Grieving, which he co authored with Elizabeth Kubler Ross, and which updated her five stages for grief. In this episode, David […]
Episode 9: The Surprising Narcissism of The Empath with Melissa Grace

In this episode of Your Permission Prescription, I’m so excited to be joined by Melissa Grace, a brilliant coach, trainer and former psychotherapist. Today, we’ll explore the role of narcissistic behaviors in an empath’s personality, the relationship dynamics between empaths and narcissists, and how to heal wounds in order to serve ourselves in the most […]
Episode 6: How to Heal Your Mother Hunger with Kelly McDaniel

It’s a true joy to welcome Kelly McDaniel, author of Mother Hunger: How Adult Daughters Can Understand and Heal from Lost Nurturance, Protection, and Guidance, to Your Permission Prescription this week! I’ll be honest with you: I can’t get enough of Kelly’s book and I’m so excited for you all to listen to this conversation. […]
Episode 1: How Louise Hay Helped Me Blow Up My Life

In the inaugural episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I share my journey to discovering and owning my truth — including all the destruction that came along the way. For most of my life, I lived in the service of others; I aimed to be what they wanted me to be, and made it my […]