What’s Your Worthiness Quotient?
One of the easiest ways to tell if your self-worth could use a tune-up is by paying attention to how you judge yourself. Do you get very upset when you make a mistake? Do you say, “Damn! I’m such an idiot!” Do you tell yourself that you aren’t smart enough, aren’t good enough, aren’t capable? […]
The Dance of Deprivation and Worth
Some of us have an underlying commitment to unworthiness. Our identity is actually tied to it, and we believe that we’re fundamentally unworthy. Why would anyone make a commitment to such a thing? Childhood programming, of course. But this particular commitment is often tenacious, because we’re afraid of feeling worthy. The secret benefit of the […]
The Healing Power of Poetry and Journaling
Writing is how I solve and dissolve complex equations of heart and head. It is my personal commitment to revealing, as poetry has the ability to connect us to one another. We discover ourselves in words, unveiled and immersed in the precision of the present moment. I have been writing to capture and process the […]
What’s Hiding Out in Your Unexpressed Anger?
So what’s hiding out in your unexpressed anger? The Answer: Your Freedom! Anger that’s withheld or repressed can eat away at your desires, robbing you of the intimacy you crave, your dream career, prosperity, peace, wellness and joy. Last month on my radio show I had a lovely listener, Jennifer from NJ, ask me about […]
Love 2.0
In honor of Valentine’s Day coming up, I’ve been reflecting and remembered this piece I wrote two years ago and it’s as relevant today as it was then so I want to share it with you! Enjoy! ~ NL It’s time. I’ve been resisting. But it’s time now for me to write about awakening […]
3 Things You Need in Order to Jump! Right Now!
You know you want change. You can feel it in the pit of your stomach. You close your eyes and picture it in those rare moments of quiet solitude. You want transformation…but “wanting” is not enough. Here’s the deal: if you don’t make different choices, you won’t get where you want to go and your […]
The stories in our stuff.
Resistance can rear its ugly head in many forms, beliefs, excuses and stories. And most of the pain we create in our lives is due to stories we tell ourselves that aren’t true—the inability to separate fact from fiction. Why do we choose to tell ourselves false stories? Because we don’t want to face “what […]
Befriend Your Resistance
I love a line in Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Eat, Pray, Love: “The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving.” It rings so true, especially when you’re wanting to jump, and find yourself sitting in the uncertainty of the unknown. Inner conflict is one of the […]
Setting Financial Boundaries
I talk a lot about setting boundaries as it pertains to relationships with other people but today I want to focus on setting boundaries in relation to your finances and ultimately your sense of self-worth. And this is where it gets a little tricky, because some of these boundaries might have to be set by […]
Uncover Your Desires!
What do you want, just for you? For most of my life, I didn’t know what it meant to want anything for myself. I lived solely in reaction to the needs and wants of others, rather than my own. I was in touch with what I could give others, but I had no idea what […]