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What is your inner knowing telling you?

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When something is “off” in your life, you know it. And it takes an incredible amount of energy to continue the denial—energy that could be used toward letting go of the old and inviting in the new. That’s what I learned when things finally fell apart in my marriage. And, to my great delight, the new […]

Whose life are you living?

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So much of the time, we would rather stay small and imprisoned than face the uncertainty of becoming who we are meant to be. The resentment that comes with keeping our dreams under wraps may be a life sentence, but it’s also a known commodity. It’s within our comfort zone. In order to stay there, […]

Risk… embrace it!

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As you make your jump and learn to say yes more often, here’s an important truth to keep in mind: There is no destination. You’re never “there.” You’re always becoming. You’ll always be jumping—over and over and over. And that’s a good thing. As so many opportunities came my way on the heels of both my big […]

Are you giving away your power?

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There are many different ways we can consciously and unconsciously give away our power. You may be handing your power over to your significant other, your family, your boss…or to a limiting belief that’s held you hostage since childhood. You might discover that you’ve given power away for years without realizing it. That’s because through […]

Ready to give yourself permission to play?

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I used to believe that happiness and fun were for other people. During my divorce, I became aware that my denial had caused an underlying tension in nearly everything I did, and tension is the opposite of freedom. In my career, people-pleasing and workaholism became escapes. I kept jumping through hoop after hoop in order to […]

Try… and find out what you are missing! 

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I was the Event Director at Hay House for twelve years. It was my dream job until I began craving the opportunity to use my own personal experience and more of my gifts ­in another capacity to help others. I wanted to be a coach, an author, a speaker, a teacher. There was one problem: […]

Are you willing to reclaim your light?

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unbound we may never know how we hold all we can or how the light catches us when we are out of breath It’s a sign of healing to be feeling again the real breakthrough can only arise from heartbreak that which ails cures reminding us that it’s always about beginning and then beginning again […]

Get ready to take back your projections!

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Ever notice how the people closest to you can also trigger the heck out of you? She’s so selfish. He’s so rude. She’s a know-it-all. He’s irresponsible.  But, here’s the deal: Every characteristic we don’t like in someone else, exits within us as well. As the old saying goes – when you point a finger […]

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret…

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I’m gonna let you in on a little secret… You know that suffering your experiencing…well, it’s directly related to your own interpretation of the situation. Huh? What? Listen. Here’s the deal: Our stories – our interpretations, conclusions and what we make things mean – keep us stuck and cause us pain. And your ticket to […]

Need to flex your dreaming and visioning muscles?

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I did my first – totally impromptu – Periscope broadcast on Monday afternoon while I was out for a hike on the Rim Trail in Snowmass, CO. Earlier in the day as I watched my friend Gabby Bernstein broadcasting I noticed I had an authentic desire to as well! In that moment I made a […]