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Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Whether it’s a marriage, relationship, job, geographical location – how do you know when it’s time to move on?

When it came to my marriage, the truth is that our relationship had been crumbling for quite some time. I’d chosen to stay in such deep denial that it took an explosion of epic proportions to wake me up. And i’m so grateful it did. (You can read all the juicy details in my book, Jump … And Your Life Will Appear.)

My life had been leading to a shattering like this. Decoding the chaos I created to avoid the truth. My soul knew but Ii didn’t want to see. So denial, she slows the speed of growth.

Suddenly, I had a choice: I could stay numb and go back to sleep, or I could face my fears, embrace change and get ready to jump!

What happens when you stay in a situation that isn’t working, denying your own needs long enough?

Your needs, your health, and your well-being begin to demand to be heard. Even if you don’t heed that call, the truth will come out. Unfortunately, it will come out sideways.

Perhaps you’ll become ill. Or depressed. Or if you’re like me, you’ll find yourself expressing those needs in destructive, self-sabotaging ways.

Your body is the barometer of your truth. Listen and pay attention to the inner whispers and wails you’ve been avoiding. It’s time to admit to yourself what you already know to be true.

Marriage was a long time to be away from myself.

By staying in my marriage, I wasn’t allowing the full expression of my life to emerge, and looking back, I realize that the marriage was another hiding place for me. As long as I stayed and propped him up, I could hide from what I truly wanted and from all I was capable of becoming.

With each choice, power replenishes my voice.

Leaving my marriage meant I would no longer have excuses for not fully inhabiting my life, and it led me to the deep inner work that’s been the catalyst for living my life in alignment with my truth and desires.

Are you hiding out in your current circumstance and wondering, “should I stay or should I go?” Join the conversation with me on Facebook.

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The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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