I Know It’s Time to Jump… But How?
I hid the truth about myself from myself for a long time before I was brave enough to make my jump into a new and better life. My wish in sharing this poem with you is that it will inspire you to take heart, and find the courage to dive into the light of […]
How your self-worth influences your net worth
While in the midst of putting the finishing touches on my next book, Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth releasing from Hay House this August, I thought I’d share a bit about it with you here. When we feel that we aren’t enough, or that we aren’t good enough, we also fear that we’ll […]
How To Set Boundaries (Even If You Think You Can’t)
Leaving my marriage and whole-heartedly deciding not to return felt like what I imagine it might feel like to leave a cult. As my mind began to clear, and as my habits of reactivity and walking on eggshells began to lessen and loosen, setting boundaries became easier. The months that followed were a blur. I […]
The Easy Way Out Is Always Harder
When we betray ourselves and others, it’s often because we’ve made the “easier choice” – consciously or unconsciously. But this “easier choice” is actually the cowardly choice. For example, at the time, I mistakenly believed that it was easier for me to have an affair than to tell myself, and my husband, the truth of wanting out […]
Move past your past
I’m gonna tell you the truth…cuz we’re friends, right?! Tomorrow is my birthday. 51. And even though Christiane Northrup is a friend of mine and I’ve devoured her brilliant book Goddesses Never Age, I’ve been freaking out about it a wee bit. (Or maybe more than a wee bit, but how much is not important…) […]
Letting Go of the Shame Game
Shame is a powerful, destructive emotion. Shame drove me to keep secrets from those closest to me, because I was afraid they would discover the truth about me. And that when they did, they would be so horrified that they’d never want to speak to me again and I would be abandoned. Yet, what I’ve […]
Take off your mask, hang up your cape
I honestly think that we all believe there’s something we need to hide in order to be loved and accepted. We might be keeping a secret, or perhaps repressing a part of us that we’ve labeled as bad or wrong. Whatever the withhold, it’s directly related to our ability to give and receive love. The funny thing is that […]
Befriend your fears and discover your truth
In 2008, when my then-husband read my journals and found out I’d had an affair 8 years prior, it seemed like the worst thing that could possibly happen. I mean, can you imagine?! I had so much fear and shame wrapped around this discovery, not only because of him, but because it exposed a truth about myself […]
Can you see the gift in your projections?
Ever notice how the people closest to you can also trigger the heck out of you? She’s so selfish. He’s so rude. She’s a know-it-all. He’s irresponsible. But, here’s the deal: Every characteristic we don’t like in someone else, exits within us as well. As the old saying goes – when you point a finger […]
What makes your heart start beating again?
the warmth and the weight of you for Mozell : 2008–2016 the warmth and the weight of you has stayed beside me on the bed the trail the place you still occupy the space still breathes of you of your pawprint imprinted on my heart ?? I’ll be honest with […]