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My Summer Jump! Coaching Group has made the JUMP!!! Woo Hoo!!!

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This week we focus on what comes after the jump, making a graceful exit. It’s in this liminal space – between no longer and not yet – where self-love, self-acceptance and self-forgiveness is most critical. And with the death of Robin Williams last week reverberating around the world, there’s no better way we can honor […]

Making the Jump!

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In the wake of setting new boundaries, asking for help and honoring their resistance over the past several weeks, my Summer coaching group is now prepared to Jump! Jumping is not only about letting go and leaving, but also about propelling ourselves toward the new—even when we don’t know exactly what the “new” will be! I had […]

I’m Shooting a TV Show!

blog feature

I’m shooting a TV show and we need you to come and fill one of our seats!  TORONTO, ON, CANADA Thursday Aug 6th Friday Aug 7th I am going to be in Toronto next week with my dear friend Colette Baron-Reid shooting the first episode of her new TV show – Messages From Spirit. So if you live […]

My Name Is Nancy, And I Am Not Perfect

blog feature

I know it sounds irrational. If I’d stopped to really think about it, I would have realized that what I expected of myself was unrealistic. But I was operating on automatic pilot, and I was attached to the belief that I could somehow do it all without anyone ever seeing my weaknesses. Somewhere deep  in  […]

Want More Energy? Take Off The Mask

blog feature

The brave women in my Summer 2014 Jump! Coaching Group are bonding, growing, and realizing their own strength and courage. Last week we took Step 2 and began telling our truth to someone safe. While we’re each other’s “someone safe” here in our group, many were also able to confide in the people they’d designated […]

And then…I flipped off the Father of Motivation

blog feature

It was 2am on November 17, 2007…and I was determined. I was producing two events with Wayne Dyer back-to-back over the course of a weekend. He spoke in Atlanta on Saturday afternoon, and then the whole crew of us flew to Detroit where he was to speak again on Sunday afternoon. By 10pm, we were […]