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Being Available to Love

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After speaking at I Can Do It! Pasadena over the weekend –– which was really wonderful, loved getting to meet some of you! –– I headed up to San Francisco for a couple of days with my sister and her family. On Tuesday, as my sister and I were preparing to run some errands and […]


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we may never know how we hold all we can or how the light catches us when we are out of breath it’s a sign of healing to be feeling again the real breakthrough can only arise from heartbreak that which ails cures reminding us that it’s always about beginning and then beginning again as […]

Following Your Heart: Allowing the Flow of Possibility

blog feature

On Saturday I took a risk. Historically, I’ve been really good at restrictive, righteous self-control and less good at following my heart. But over the past few years along my journey to finding my own truth, my own voice and my own power, I’ve learned that when we stay inside the lines too rigidly, we […]

How Do You Like Your Eggs?

blog feature

Do you actually know how you like your eggs? Not they way you usually eat them, or the way that’s the least hassle to have them. I mean if no one else was around and you could have your eggs any way you desire, do you know what you’d choose? As part of my research […]

Let Go and You’ll Feel No Mo’ FOMO

blog feature

This past Saturday morning I did the unthinkable. It was 9:30 am and Wayne Dyer was taking the stage at the Javits Center for his opening keynote at I Can Do It! New York. Just down the street, at the Ink 48 Hotel, I was enjoying a delectable omelette freshly delivered by room service, still […]

Sacred Reminders: The Secret Weapon of Love

blog feature

In July, I spent four days in Santa Fe marinating with five other magnificent women in the magical Gail Larsen’s Transformational Speaking immersion. From morning til night we dug deep together, excavating our own interior landscape which led to unearthing our core message and original medicine. We experimented and explored new ways of delivering our […]

My Trancen–Dental Experience

blog feature

For as long as I can remember, the tooth just off to the right of my two front teeth has been dark and discolored. In every photo of myself (that’s not magically retouched) it’s always been the very first thing I see if I’ve somehow forgotten to smile with my mouth closed. I’ve received plenty […]

Live Your Life—The One You Were Meant To Live

blog feature

This coming Sunday marks the end of an era. After twelve years as the Event Director at Hay House, I’m officially passing the baton (to the much-deserving Mollie Langer!) and taking a leap of faith out into the world…as ME!!! In many ways this feels like the most significant jump I’ve made to date. Bigger […]

Making the Jump!

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In the wake of setting new boundaries, asking for help and honoring their resistance over the past several weeks, my Summer coaching group is now prepared to Jump! Jumping is not only about letting go and leaving, but also about propelling ourselves toward the new—even when we don’t know exactly what the “new” will be! I had […]

I’m Shooting a TV Show!

blog feature

I’m shooting a TV show and we need you to come and fill one of our seats!  TORONTO, ON, CANADA Thursday Aug 6th Friday Aug 7th I am going to be in Toronto next week with my dear friend Colette Baron-Reid shooting the first episode of her new TV show – Messages From Spirit. So if you live […]