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Move past your past

blog feature

I’m gonna tell you the truth…cuz we’re friends, right?! Tomorrow is my birthday. 51. And even though Christiane Northrup is a friend of mine and I’ve devoured her brilliant book Goddesses Never Age, I’ve been freaking out about it a wee bit. (Or maybe more than a wee bit, but how much is not important…) […]

Letting Go of the Shame Game

blog feature

Shame is a powerful, destructive emotion. Shame drove me to keep secrets from those closest to me, because I was afraid they would discover the truth about me. And that when they did, they would be so horrified that they’d never want to speak to me again and I would be abandoned. Yet, what I’ve […]

Take off your mask, hang up your cape

blog feature

I honestly think that we all believe there’s something we need to hide in order to be loved and accepted. We might be keeping a secret, or perhaps repressing a part of us that we’ve labeled as bad or wrong. Whatever the withhold, it’s directly related to our ability to give and receive love. The funny thing is that […]

Befriend your fears and discover your truth

blog feature

In 2008, when my then-husband read my journals and found out I’d had an affair 8 years prior, it seemed like the worst thing that could possibly happen. I mean, can you imagine?! I had so much fear and shame wrapped around this discovery, not only because of him, but because it exposed a truth about myself […]

Can you see the gift in your projections?

blog feature

Ever notice how the people closest to you can also trigger the heck out of you? She’s so selfish. He’s so rude. She’s a know-it-all. He’s irresponsible.  But, here’s the deal: Every characteristic we don’t like in someone else, exits within us as well. As the old saying goes – when you point a finger […]

What makes your heart start beating again?

blog feature

the warmth and the weight of you for Mozell : 2008–2016 the warmth and the weight of you has stayed beside me on the bed the trail the place you still occupy the space still breathes of you of your pawprint imprinted on my heart             ?? I’ll be honest with […]

Are You Being Ruled by Your Unmet Needs?

blog feature

What happens when you stay in a situation that isn’t working, denying your own needs long enough? Your needs, your health, and your well-being begin to demand to be heard. Even if you don’t heed that call, the truth will come out. Unfortunately, it will come out sideways. Perhaps you’ll become ill. Or depressed. Or […]

hourglass: a last love poem

blog feature

hourglass: a last love poem written on the morning i finally filed for divorce i loved you as much as i could as long as i could hard as i could hard as it was steadily holding on to the small piece of maybe that was finally destroyed i have done all i can we […]

Are you ready for or resisting the new year?

blog feature

Well, it’s here – the New Year…with all its magic and promise. Yet, you might be feeling apprehensive about this new beginning. It happens, especially when we’re caught in a cycle of resistance. Wanting to move powerfully  forward, but feeling held back or afraid. How do you know if you’re in resistance? Here are a […]

being held and belonging 

blog feature

it all changed the mood the pulse the pace the swelling the room itself was swollen grounded in trust as if my body was a napkin being pulled through a ring from the pelvis deep into the earth or like a candle melting down from the inside dripping and pooling at the base of my […]