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The Price of Secrets: The Truth You Already Know

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Up until that day I found out my husband had read my journals, I had never told anyone about my affair. I mean nobody—not my dear sister, not my closest friends, no one. I’d compartmentalized my life to such a degree that it wasn’t even hard to keep it a secret. I was afraid of […]

What does your freedom feel like?

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Freedom means different things to different people. I found my freedom by entertaining the idea that I no longer had to be at the mercy of another human being. My client Nicole found freedom in a bathing suit. Here’s her story: Nicole’s Story: I wore a bikini. I wore a bikini on a beach in […]

Peering over the precipice of change!

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I was in a hotel with Louise Hay in London, lamenting the fact that I wanted to jump, but felt too afraid. Big-time resistance! “It’s like wanting to get to the other side of the river, yet clinging to a branch on this side for dear life,” Louise told me. “The only way we can […]

Say “yes” to more freedom!

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The first time I set a boundary with my now ex-husband during our divorce process was not only the first time I set a boundary with him, it was the first boundary I’d set with anyone in my entire life! It was the first time I ever thought purely about my own needs, the first […]

Whose life are you living?

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For years, I sublimated my own desires in service of my husband’s. I wasn’t living my own life. Poet David Whyte has said that if you are living the life you are meant to live, someone will inevitably feel betrayed by it. My ex-husband can legitimately say that I betrayed him by having an affair. […]

Are you keeping money secrets?

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Secrecy about money is quite common in families, especially between siblings, and between parents and adult children. We’re secretive about money for a variety of reasons. Usually, it’s a result of one of the following: (1) we feel we have to protect our money from others, or (2) we feel we’re going to be judged […]

Do you feel worthy enough to receive?

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In order to have more, we have to change our thinking, behaviors, and habits related to self-worth—little by little. As we do that, we can continue to increase our “worth threshold.” This means that we allow ourselves to receive more and more. We walk around thinking, “Hey, I will happily let myself receive! Give me […]

Is money an emotional issue for you?

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“What if she asks me to do something scary? What if she shames me for the way I’ve handled my money? What if she has me invest my money, and I lose it all, ending up with nothing?” Those were the “what ifs” that came up for me when I hired my financial advisor, Melissa […]

Whose voice are you listening to?

blog feature

Who are you? Are you the caretaker, fixer, problem child, perfectionist (insert your identity here________). Do you want that to be your identity? If you were to think back, is it possible this identity is tied to a feeling of unworthiness? Here’s what I mean. When we become aware of our beliefs or take the […]

Pre-Creation is the New Procrastination

blog feature

Sometimes I’m just not feeling it. I know I have to get a blog or newsletter written and I sit my ass down to write and…NOTHING! No matter how long I sit there, no matter how disciplined I am when it comes to my writing routine…I can’t seem to make the words appear in a […]