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Conquering the Fears of your Heart

blog feature

HEART Florence, Italy, which is home to Michael Angelo’s gallery, bodies are birthing themselves from rough and ragged chunks of marble. They call them “Unfinished Slaves,” frozen in a state of self-excavation. I, too, was carving myself back into life, my un-lived life. My heart. Shame and guilt forced out of me, revealing raw flesh. […]

How to Care for Yourself, Without Breaking the Bank

blog feature

Caring for yourself How to Care for Yourself, Without Breaking the Bank I’ve just had the most perfect morning which included a bit of care for myself. I woke up early. Meditated and read my dear Dani Shapiro’s new magnificent memoir titled: Hourglass: Time, Memory, Marriage., read it in its entirety. Cried and highlighted repeatedly […]

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

blog feature

Are you contemplating leaving? Whether it’s a marriage, relationship, job – how do you know when it’s time to move on? The truth is, your heart has already jumped…your head just needs to catch up with your heart. When it came to my marriage…well, our relationship had been crumbling for quite some time. I’d chosen […]

mindfulness…is a request

blog feature

  mindfulness is a request to retire auto-pilot to invite inquiry around what’s truly alive inside in each moment allowing attention to swell and land igniting authentic movement sometimes i still find it so confronting to listen closely for my desire as it rises still so easy for it to be blocked out by what […]

Reboot Your Beliefs

blog feature

Our childhood beliefs may be illogical, but they take hold and become the way we see the world. They are unconscious “shadow beliefs” that become part of our personal operating systems. They tell us what we can and cannot do. The people and situations we attract into our lives are consistent with those beliefs—for better […]

Are You Looking for What’s Wrong?

blog feature

Choose momentary discomfort over long-term resentment. — Brené Brown So much of the time, we would rather stay small and imprisoned than face the uncertainty of becoming who we are meant to be. The resentment that comes with keeping our dreams under wraps may be a life sentence, but it’s also a known commodity. It’s within […]

Ask For Help

blog feature

One of the reasons I refused to ask for help for so long was that I didn’t want to appear vulnerable. I’d spent a long time thinking that “strength” meant being totally invulnerable. Never letting them see me sweat, as I’ve said. But it turns out that it takes way more courage to say “I […]

What’s Your Worthiness Quotient?

blog feature

One of the easiest ways to tell if your self-worth could use a tune-up is by paying attention to how you judge yourself. Do you get very upset when you make a mistake? Do you say, “Damn! I’m such an idiot!” Do you tell yourself that you aren’t smart enough, aren’t good enough, aren’t capable? […]

The Dance of Deprivation and Worth

blog feature

Some of us have an underlying commitment to unworthiness. Our identity is actually tied to it, and we believe that we’re fundamentally unworthy. Why would anyone make a commitment to such a thing? Childhood programming, of course. But this particular commitment is often tenacious, because we’re afraid of feeling worthy. The secret benefit of the […]

The Healing Power of Poetry and Journaling

blog feature

Writing is how I solve and dissolve complex equations of heart and head. It is my personal commitment to revealing, as poetry has the ability to connect us to one another. We discover ourselves in words, unveiled and immersed in the precision of the present moment. I have been writing to capture and process the […]