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Reboot Your Beliefs

Our childhood beliefs may be illogical, but they take hold and become the way we see the world. They are unconscious “shadow beliefs” that become part of our personal operating systems. They tell us what we can and cannot do. The people and situations we attract into our lives are consistent with those beliefs—for better or worse.

As adults, we continue this unconscious, habitual, compulsive way of being without any awareness as to why. It’s only when we bring our shadow beliefs into conscious awareness in adulthood that we can see the hold they’ve had over us as well as the gifts they offer. Then, we can shine light on these unwanted parts of ourselves, stop pushing them away, and integrate them in order to reclaim wholeness.

Here’s the thing…a belief is simply a long-held idea of how the world works and our role within it.

Unfortunately, when I married my husband, I had not yet reached that level of awareness.

Most of the time, we’re held captive in an invisible prison of our own beliefs. In my marriage, for example, I believed that my husband held all the cards. That belief happened to be true, but only because I allowed it. My belief that I was never going to be good enough kept our unhealthy dynamic in place.

So, are you ready to find out what beliefs are silently running your life and holding you back from bursting forth into freedom? Join me for a FREE Live Jump Group Coaching Call — you can sign up right here!

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The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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