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How Your Fears Prevent You from Setting Boundaries

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Learning to set effective boundaries is the key to living a happy life where our needs take priority.   But for most of us, setting boundaries seems like the hardest thing we can do. Instead of setting boundaries and being clear about the consequences, most of us resort to making demands and then backing away […]

How to Quiet the Noise in Your Head

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“Who are you to put yourself first?” “They’ll never say yes to what I want, so why bother.” “I am never going to amount to anything.” The chatter inside your head can feel overwhelming – filling you with so much fear, worry, and dread that it makes you want to run as far away as […]

Are you willing to be Worthy?

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How do we take stock of our worthiness quotient? First and foremost, we notice ourselves in the act of self-judgment. One of the easiest ways to tell if your self-worth could use a tune-up is judgment. Do you get very upset when you make a mistake? Do you say, “Argghh! I’m such an idiot!” Do […]

Experience Freedom

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When we feel that we aren’t enough, or that we aren’t good enough, we also fear that we’ll never have enough. That fear is a self-fulfilling prophecy, in which we unconsciously make sure we never, ever have all that we need. It’s a painful arithmetic going on in the shadows of our unconscious, which many […]

Harness Your Power!

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For a long time I didn’t believe I had any choice. I was too afraid of the consequences of leaving my marriage –or my job, for that matter – that I allowed myself to stay stuck. Which I know now was actually a choice… And guess what? Divorce, entrepreneurship and major change didn’t annihilate me. In fact, they did […]

Embrace the Unknown

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If your life were a house, would it have been condemned long ago? If so, it’s time to make a different choice. When you choose to do even one thing differently, you take a step toward dissembling structures you’ve had in place for a while – probably many years. Releasing our fears about jumping into the […]

Befriend your fears and discover your truth

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In 2008, when my then-husband read my journals and found out I’d had an affair 8 years prior, it seemed like the worst thing that could possibly happen. I mean, can you imagine?! I had so much fear and shame wrapped around this discovery, not only because of him, but because it exposed a truth about myself […]