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Is Self-Confidence the Key to Happiness?

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It seems obvious that self-confidence might be a necessary ingredient for greater happiness and personal satisfaction. But according to Psychology Today, self-confidence is the essential ingredient when it comes to living a happy life. It’s tied to reducing fear and anxiety, and creating the resiliency to handle life’s rocky moments. So, why is it that […]

Are You Ready to Shift Your Life?

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I’m writing this on my flight back from London, which proved to be a pivotal experience for me. Rarely in our lives do we find ourselves in the real-time of experiencing a moment of true transformation. And having the honor of speaking at Hay House UK’s ignite conference was one of those moments. As most […]

Feeling More Juicy and Alive at 50 Than Ever Before

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As you read this – on my actual 50th birthday – I’ll have already been swept away by my beau to an undisclosed location for a surprise getaway celebration. Surprises and I haven’t always been friends – the Type A-Producer-Control Freak-With-A-Strong-Need-To-Know in me used to have a really hard time chucking my routine to go […]

Create the Life You Have Always Desired

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Yesterday was the second anniversary of Debbie Ford’s passing. Two years have gone by already. It’s hard to believe. I can’t really wrap my brain around her not being here anymore physically. She’s still in my “favorites” and “vip” lists on my iPhone. I still have our thread of text messages saved. There are days […]

Uncover What Keeps You Joylessly Holding Onto the Past

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Last Friday I had a surprise overnight getaway with my man. On Saturday morning I woke naturally, as usual – anywhere between 5am and 6am is fair game for me – but unexpectedly, there was no possible way I could get out of bed. I was bone tired, and instead of poking, prodding and guilting […]

Want More Energy? Take Off The Mask

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The brave women in my Summer 2014 Jump! Coaching Group are bonding, growing, and realizing their own strength and courage. Last week we took Step 2 and began telling our truth to someone safe. While we’re each other’s “someone safe” here in our group, many were also able to confide in the people they’d designated […]

The Shadow + Money

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Hi – Happy Monday! I want to share a couple of phenomenal experiences and resources with you that changed my life – for real! – and also have the power to change yours! On February 25, 2010 – my 45th birthday – I flew into the arms of Debbie Ford, best-selling author of several books including The Dark […]


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As I prepare to embark on the final module of my groundbreaking Breakthrough Shadow Coaching Training Program I find myself thinking a lot about wholeness, since it’s the very definition of integrity. And how we’re out of integrity as soon as we begin to separate from ourselves, disowning the parts that we can’t be with. I keep visualizing […]


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unbound  I was beyond honored when my dear friend Debbie Ford asked me to write a poem (see below!) for inclusion in her new book Courage: Overcoming Fear & Igniting Self-Confidence, and then totally blown away when she let me know that my poem will actually open the entire book…followed by a fabulous Forward by another near and […]