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Episode 86: Closing the Confidence Gap with Kelli Thompson

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In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I talk with Kelli Thompson. Kelli is a Women’s Leadership Coach and Speaker who helps women advance to the rooms where decisions are made. She has coached and trained hundreds of women to trust themselves, lead with more confidence, and create a career they love. She is […]

Episode 85: Pattern Interruption: How Making One Powerful Decision Creates Opportunity

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In this episode of Your Permission Prescription, we’re looking at financial health and how making one powerful financial decision activates other choices. The decisions you make move you towards your future. Every decision you make, every action you take, either works towards your vision or against it. If you make a decision that impacts your […]

Episode 83: New Year’s Non-Negotiables and Putting Yourself First in 2023

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With this episode of Your Permission Prescription, we ring in 2023! Forget resolutions and let’s focus on New Year’s non-negotiables instead.  Your non-negotiables are what you must have in your life in order to show up at your fullest, to flourish and be your best. And when we feel engaged in our own life, we […]

Episode 82: Reflection and Connection With Yourself Through Poetry

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In this episode of Your Permission Prescription, I’m feeling reflective as we approach the end of 2022. And when I feel reflective, I turn to poetry. Poetry—writing and reading—has always been a guide for me, an invitation to self-discovery.  Listen in as I share a poem of mine, as well as a writing practice to […]