Do You Tell Yourself the Truth?
As a kid, like most children, I was trying to figure out who I needed to be and what I needed to do to get the most love possible, while avoiding trouble and pain as much as I could. For me, attempting to be perfect was simply an unconscious survival strategy. As I’ve shared […]
Are You Afraid of Fun!
Do you think fun is frivolous? Does play make you feel anxious? Do you relate to leisure as being lazy, unproductive and irresponsible? I get it. I used to be just like you. My perfectionism and my history—the pain I experienced around my brother’s death when I was so young—turned me into someone who […]
Relationship School
The new relationship blueprint reframes relationship as a spiritual path. Another way of saying that is: relationship is school. In fact, relationship is the #1 school for personal growth and spiritual development in our modern world. Our relationships are teachers that help us become more whole, conscious human beings. Sure, you can try to […]
What is the New Relationship Blueprint?
“You complete me.” Tom Cruise was on my TV screen saying that line to Renee Zellweger in the movie Jerry Maguire, causing women over the world over to swoon. But not me. “It’s more like you deplete me,” I mumbled to myself. If you’ve read my book Jump…and Your Life Will Appear, you already […]
3 Ways to “Do Love” Differently
I want to set the record straight on who my “relationship stuff” is for (and who it’s NOT for). See, I’ve been getting email replies and posts from my peeps and they all start out with “Nancy, I really love your work but…” …but I just had a bad break-up/divorce and I don’t think I […]
Those Persistent Relationship Patterns
Often, we feel like we experience the “same thing” from one relationship to the next, even though each time we’re sure we’ve chosen someone very different from our past partners. These are our recurring patterns, and your relationship timeline will help you decipher yours. Bear in mind that sometimes, the outward experience from one relationship […]
Practice Forgiveness
Making peace with the past is a practice, not an achievement. The same can be said for forgiveness. We forgive in bits and pieces; it isn’t a finite destination or a total resolution. It’s about recovering more quickly each time we have a triggering memory or experience. So it’s important not to attempt to rush […]
Anchoring into YOU
Before you can ask for what you want, you have to figure out what that is! To do this, you must “stay home” within yourself. The result? You become aware of your own wants You start allowing those wants to be just as important as anyone else’s Another way to stay home is by taking […]
unbound we may never know how we hold all we can or how the light catches us when we are out of breath it’s a sign of healing to be feeling again the real breakthrough can only arise from heartbreak that which ails cures reminding us that it’s always about beginning and then beginning again […]
The One Thing ??
There’s a secret Trojan horse in all of the work I do: Regardless of the subject matter, it’s all about self-love. That’s what my previous three books were about, and that’s what my upcoming book, The New Relationship Blueprint is about. Every. Single. Page. In my humble opinion, this whole life is about the lesson […]