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blog feature

Are You Committed to Your Non-Negotiables?

Although I’m an early riser and definitely a morning person, I’ve never been a roll-out-of-bed-and-go kinda girl. I like to take my time…to ritualistically have my coffee, write in my journal, look out my big picture window at Boulder Creek and the Rocky Mountain Foothills (when I’m actually home, that is.) Even if I have an early flight or am on the road with an early call-time, I set my alarm for at least 2 hours before I need to leave. This isn’t for primping and prepping, but rather to ensure I have ample time to be with myself, before engaging with the world.

In the past few months, as my life has become increasingly more full, I’ve been blocking this time out – in my already very color-coded calendar – in yellow for ME.

And, over the past 4 weeks – in direct response to an overwhelming period of overbooking myself into a corner with no time to eat or pee or get outside – I’ve been scheduling absolutely everything! My daily journal-writing, hikes, runs, yoga, visits with friends…even grocery shopping! I’ve noticed that by claiming space in my calendar for my non-negotiables, I easily and effortlessly keep these commitments to myself, just like I would if they were appointments with clients.

With this practice, I’ve also been able to create a calendar – and a life – with much more time for me than I ever could have imagined. Gone are the days of everything being back-to-back-to-back! Instead I have all the time I need for a fulfilling workday, complete with contemplation, fitness, food…and bathroom breaks!

Imagine how your life would change if you made the same commitment to your own non-negotiables that you do the priorities of others.

I’d love to hear what would be possible for you…as well as any of your practices for honoring yourself! Please reply below!

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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