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Saying Yes To Me

After nearly two years of pouring my soul into my new book, Jump… And Your Life Will Appear: An Inch-by-Inch Guide To Making A Major Change, it has finally made its way into people’s hands and has already begun helping people make changes. The reviews are coming in on Amazon from the first people to purchase the book and I have been overwhelmed by the response.  Over the weekend, I was grateful to received this testimonial. My heart if brimming and I want to share it with you.

“So often we make choices based upon what we think we deserve versus what we actually do deserve.  Nancy’s book, Jump … and Your Life Will Appear, inspired me to say yes instead of finding excuses to say no. 

When planning a vacation to spend time with my sister, I narrowed the time down as small as I could so it would be within my comfort zone of leaving.  I would not take an extra day because it felt too indulgent in my eyes.  After asking some hard questions that Nancy offers as a part of the work, I realized that I was the only person putting limits on this trip. I felt I didn’t deserve it.  I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone by asking them to take care of my kids. If I left, I wouldn’t be doing my “job”.

Well, I spoke to some friends and to my husband, and they were more than happy to help me so that I could take an extra day and take advantage of the experience.  In the process of letting go of limitations I set upon myself, I became open to the help that others offered.  So I said yes to another day and became aware that others are happy to say yes to me!”

Change can be a struggle for each of us. Some of us are stuck saying yes. Some of us have trouble saying no. Some might need to be able to put up a boundary, and others might need to leap to a new career. Whatever change you might need to make, I hope that you will allow me to walk you though it with the steps in my book.

Are you ready to make your change?

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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