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Sacred Reminders: The Secret Weapon of Love

In July, I spent four days in Santa Fe marinating with five other magnificent women in the magical Gail Larsen’s Transformational Speaking immersion.

From morning til night we dug deep together, excavating our own interior landscape which led to unearthing our core message and original medicine. We experimented and explored new ways of delivering our singular stories – signature, and never before told – from our Home Zone™ instead of our comfort zone.

The experience was truly transformative for me on many levels, as a speaker of course, but perhaps most profoundly as an opportunity to claim my own light in a safe, supportive collaborative community of loving, dynamic, powerhouse, passionate, zillion-watt women. And truly feel welcomed as one of them.

Following our final session and private lunch on the last day, DJ Gail proceeded to play “theme songs” she had picked out for us. Honoring us one by one, she also had us write love letters to each woman as her song was playing. I was overcome with emotion as I got to shower these divine darlings with love.

We finally parted, after the tears and hugging were complete, each of us taking our love notes with us.

I heard a quiet voice inside me say, “Don’t read these now. Let’s save them for when we really need them.”

The next day I drove back to Boulder and when I got home I tucked them away safely to wait for the right time, and in the eight weeks that have passed there was only one day I thought about reading them.

Until today. 

I’ve been preparing for my first talk since the immersion – a keynote next weekend at I Can Do It! New York. Also my first Hay House event as “just” an author and speaker.

After working on my talk this morning for a few hours, I headed out on gorgeous sunny, summery 8-mile hike. As I was almost home I heard that same quiet voice say, “Today. Let’s read the love letters today.”

I found myself transported back in time to the sound of my theme song playing as I fully breathed in and received the heart transmissions from my beauties.

The timing was perfect. I’m glad I waited and savored them. And now I’m grateful that I can read them whenever I want, as often as I choose.

It got me thinking. Who else in my life do I want to write a love letter to? Who do I want to gift with a secret weapon of love and light, reflecting their infinite luminosity and fabulosity right back at them, to be wielded whenever they need to be reminded?

Who in your life do you want to write a love letter to?

I’m writing mine. Are you writing yours?

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From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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