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Making the Jump!

In the wake of setting new boundaries, asking for help and honoring their resistance over the past several weeks, my Summer coaching group is now prepared to Jump!

Jumping is not only about letting go and leaving, but also about propelling ourselves toward the new—even when we don’t know exactly what the “new” will be! I had no idea what would be coming my way when I left my marriage. I’d been with this man for eighteen years, after all, and we not only lived together but also worked together. Our lives were completely intertwined. Who would I be on my own,  without him? I could hardly imagine who this new me would be. It was like standing at the edge of a cliff so high that I couldn’t see the river down below.

And even now, as I embark upon my new jump – the days click down to leaving my position at Hay House at the end of this month – I am facing a vast difference between the Hay House Event Director Nancy Levin and the Coach, Author, Speaker Nancy Levin. Who will I be without my “day job” wrapped around me? What I’ve since discovered is that we’re constantly being pushed to the edge of that precipice, and the only thing to do is to muster enough faith to jump into the uncertainty. It’s in the unknown that possibility and opportunity live, and we must free the energy to make space for what is waiting to enter.

I know how scary that sounds, trust me. But isn’t it scarier to remain stuck in a life that you know for sure is no longer serving you? That’s certainly what I faced with my marriage. That life wasn’t working, but I was so afraid to let it go that for years I wouldn’t admit—not even to myself—how unhappy I truly was.

As I face this next change, even while my life still works this way, I know I cannot grow into all I am meant to be and stay in my job. It’s time to sever the full-time job chord and reach out with my own presence. I have done all I can here and am choosing expansion over stagnation. It’s time to let someone else step in and shine here, so I can leave the past me in service of the future me.

Fear may try to convince you that new equals bad and scary, yet in that place of not knowing anything can be born, everything can unfold. Uncertainty is thrilling and inspiring if you allow it to be.

Are you ready to jump? Tell me about it here!

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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