This coming Sunday marks the end of an era. After twelve years as the Event Director at Hay House, I’m officially passing the baton (to the much-deserving Mollie Langer!) and taking a leap of faith out into the world…as ME!!!
In many ways this feels like the most significant jump I’ve made to date. Bigger than leaving my marriage, actually. Although it wouldn’t even have been a glimmer in my eye, let alone a reality, had I not taken that first all-important step allowing it to catapult me into the unknown. The woman I am today has everything to do with saying yes to uncertainty, and fully accepting my hand in orchestrating all the relationships, events and circumstances in my life in order to extract the wisdom I specifically came into this lifetime to learn. Leaving my marriage was a conscious decision to no longer live in reaction or response to anyone or anything else, to taking the plunge into living on my own terms, finally honoring my own desires. A massive lesson I am eternally grateful for.
Leaving my position at Hay House bears a different gift. Trust me, the journey to quitting my dream job hasn’t been easy. This decision has been two years in the making.
The idea was just a scary little spark back in August 2012 when on a walk in Melbourne, Australia, my close friend – and President/CEO of Hay House – Reid Tracy said to me, “It’s not about your indispensability at work. It’s about your irreplaceability as a human.” Woah. He was right. It’s about who I am, not what I do. I had been living in a long-running story that everyone loved me because of what I did for them.
Really immersing myself in the truth that people love me simply because I am me – that each of us are loved because of our own singular exquisite brilliance – was a complete game-changer. I finally clearly saw the way I had been running myself ragged using all my people-pleasing and perfectionism as the currency with which I was buying love and attention. And then I stopped. And I was still loved. Actually, I was loved even more than before because I had surrendered to the genuine flow instead of my old means of chasing. It was a revelation.
Having spent the last few years in deep inquiry, excavating my interior landscape, I’ve discovered that honoring my authenticity and vulnerability by saying yes to what I most desire, while welcoming all the unforeseen gifts, opportunities and surprises as well, is a profound act of self-love.
All of this gives me the courage to answer the call and say yes to fully immerse myself in coaching, writing, speaking, teaching – serving from front and center now instead of from backstage.
I am profoundly grateful to the magnificent souls I have drawn into my life who always hold me at my highest and reflect my bright shining light back to me, especially when I need to be reminded of it the most. #youknowwhoyouare
I know I am not alone. Fully supported by Louise and Reid and the entire Hay House clan, as well as my family and close friends, I now step out to take my place and claim my space in the world. As me. And I now know that’s enough and all I need to be.
The last words that my dear friend and mentor, the late Debbie Ford, ever said to me were: “Go live your life. Don’t work yourself to death. I love you, babydoll.”
I echo her words: Live your life—the one you were meant to live.
What will you say YES to today?