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Cozy Up To Conflict

blog feature

mindfulness is a request to retire auto-pilot to invite inquiry around what’s truly alive inside in each moment allowing attention to swell and land igniting authentic movement sometimes i still find it so confronting to listen closely for my desire as it rises still so easy for it to be blocked out by what someone […]

Say Yes to the Mystery of the Unknown

blog feature

So often, we automatically say no to new experiences. We don’t already know what those experiences will be like, so we fear them. But how boring would it be if we already knew what every experience would be like? There would be no magic or wonder in the world. Knowing is limiting. It’s the unknown […]

the wanting that is waking

blog feature

Mine is not a solo story. I’ve read my poems before audiences of four to four thousand. I’ve heard from people of all ages and circumstances – including those who love poetry and those who never understood it – that they find themselves and their lives reflected through my words. Writing is how I solve […]

Are You Prepared to Jump Into Uncertainty?

blog feature

Are You Prepared to Jump into Uncertainty? I was once again in a hotel with Louise Hay. This time I was lamenting the fact that I wanted to jump but felt too afraid. Big-time resistance! “It’s like wanting to get to the other side of the river yet clinging to a branch on this side […]

Starting to live Your Unlived Life

blog feature

Florence, Italy, which is home to Michael Angelo’s gallery, bodies are birthing themselves from rough and ragged chunks of marble. They are called “Unfinished Slaves,” frozen in a state of self-excavation. I, too, was carving myself back into life, my unlived life. Shame and guilt were stripped away from me, revealing raw flesh. I reclaimed […]

Get on the Boundary Bandwagon

blog feature

Get on the Boundary Bandwagon I used to spend so much time reacting and responding to everyone else that my life had no direction. Other people’s lives, problems, and wants set the course for my life. Once I realized it was okay for me to think about and identify what I wanted, remarkable things began […]

Why You Should Befriend Your Resistance

blog feature

Befriend Your Resistance I love a line in Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Eat, Pray, Love: “The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving.” It rings so true, especially when you’re wanting to jump, and find yourself sitting in the uncertainty of the unknown. Inner conflict is […]

The Surrender To Grief

blog feature

Surrender To Grief The Surrender to grief involves diving deeply into your memories and understanding that there will be longing and feelings of loss from broken promises and unfulfilled dreams. Rituals from my marriage come back at unexpected moments. One that still lingers is the memory of taking off my ski boots just outside the […]

Uncover Your Underlying Commitments

blog feature

Uncover Your Underlying Commitments When I first met Abby, she was trying to break free from living paycheck to paycheck. Her excuse up until that point was that she was already getting paid better than her peers at her company, so more money was not in the cards. Through our work together, she unearthed a […]

Noticing The Short End of the Stick

blog feature

The Short End of the Stick “Me! Me! Me!” says almost no woman…ever. One of the most common beliefs I hear often is “I’m not enough, and there isn’t enough.” This leads to the underlying commitment to deprive ourselves. If there isn’t enough, and we’re not worthy, it means everyone else gets first dibs. We’re […]