After speaking at I Can Do It! Pasadena over the weekend –– which was really wonderful, loved getting to meet some of you! –– I headed up to San Francisco for a couple of days with my sister and her family.
On Tuesday, as my sister and I were preparing to run some errands and go out to lunch, she asked me what calls and work I had to do so that she could plan around my schedule. “None,” I told her, “I cleared the deck for a day with you!” Her astonishment was palpable as she let me know that she couldn’t even remember a time I had come to visit without having a million other things going on. We proceeded to make the most of our precious few hours of uninterrupted time together, before the chaos of kids and the World Series ensued. In fact I didn’t even look at my phone, in service of being as present and connected to her as possible. And she actually forgot hers at home!
In the past two months since I left my Hay House “day job,” I have continued the conscious unraveling of my old belief that my worth is dependent upon my productivity.
The old me was so caught up in the doing that even a short stretch of not doing was intensely anxiety provoking.
Now, I value time in a way I haven’t ever before –– it’s truly the most sacred commodity, one to deeply cherish since no one has yet discovered a way to create more of it.
And, as I release the need to constantly produce, I’ve naturally become more available for deep connection with myself and with those whom I love.
What can you release today in service of being present and available to love?