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Are You Afraid of Having Any Fun?

 Give yourself permission to play

Are You Afraid of Having Any Fun?
Do you think fun is a frivolous way to kill time? Does playing around make you feel anxious? Do you relate to leisure as being lazy, unproductive and irresponsible?

I want you to know that I used to be just like you.

My perfectionism and my history have played a part in how I view fun. The pain I experienced around my brother’s death when I was so young, turned me into someone who didn’t know how to play or relax. I was so concerned about spending any of my time not working. This led me to I frequently working during my off hours. This was all while I was at Hay House. It made no sense of course, since I had a set salary. I would make just as much if I relaxed and enjoyed my time off. I had chosen to spend it crouched over my computer. I was afraid of having any fun. I began to realize that I wasn’t thinking logically! My beliefs told me that if I wasn’t working, I wasn’t an asset. I began to think that if I wasn’t an asset, I wasn’t safe.

It wasn’t until I left my job and started working for myself that I began to give myself time to play and enjoy my life. Which is ironic, any entrepreneur knows, when you’re working for yourself, there’s no such thing as paid time off. My self-worth was finally intact, and I no longer believed I had to be a workhorse for validation. After that shift, I not only began to make more while working fewer hours, but I also began to learn how to enjoy my downtime. I can now play and relax without feelings of fear or guilt! This shift allowed me to stop being afraid of having any fun.

I’m learning to have fun, to ask for what I want. I’m learning to flow between work and play with more ease, not waiting for the stars to align before I give myself permission to embrace joy. And it’s all because I know I’m worthy of it!

—Penny, Former Coaching Client

I’m here to tell you, it’s not too late to give yourself permission to play.

Do you do find yourself working all the time instead of having any fun? When your friends ask you to go out to dinner or a movie, do you make up an excuse? You may think that work is fun and fun is work? You may be afraid of having any fun.

If any of this resonates, join me for a Free Group Coaching Call and let me show you how there’s room for everything you desire in your life—family, relationships, the right kind of work, and play time too!

You can always join my Facebook Group here!

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