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Courage: Igniting Self-Confidence

“We are all stronger than we can ever imag­ine being. Every choice matters starting with today. And today, I choose to live.” —Debbie Ford, COURAGE 

Two weekends ago, at Hay House’s I Can Do It! conference in Denver, I had the thrilling honor and opportunity to offer my first workshop on my new book, Jump … And Your Life Will Appear.

If you’ve followed my journey, you know that I’ve been the Event Director at Hay House for nearly thirteen years. And while I give Keynotes at our conferences and teach during our Writer’s Workshops, this was different.

As I stepped onto the stage, I could feel myself crossing a new threshold.

Looking out at the room full of eager participants, I said: “Before I begin, I just need to take a moment here. Transformation is happening right now, in real time. These are the experiences that we usually let pass us by, and I want to be present to it and soak it in.”

Then together, we shared smiles and deep exhales of gratitude.

That liminal time – the space between no longer and not yet – so often we want to rush it and just get where we’re going next. But then when we get there, even in the glory, we wonder where the time went and feel the absence of what came before.

What if we could stay present and cherish what’s here now. This fertile time where everything that has happened is digesting and alchemizing and reorganizing us on the inside in preparation for what’s to come.

What if you had the courage to be the midwife of your own new life.

My courage was fed by the close friends and mentors who supported me in reclaiming myself. In particular my dear Debbie Ford, and the paperback of her final most powerful book, Courage: Igniting Self-Confidence, is now available.

Click here for Courage: Igniting Self-Confidence on Amazon.com

And as you journey toward stepping into the light with courage and confidence, please don’t let “now” pass you by!

Tell me, what moment will you claim for yourself today?

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