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My Proven Method to Create Confidence and Inspire Change

(Even if you’ve never been able to do it before)

My Proven Method to Create Confidence and Inspire Change

(Even if you’ve never been able to do it before)

This guide won’t give you all the secrets to changing your life.

Instead, it’ll show you how to create the confidence you need to make change happen on your terms.


You don’t have to wish for confidence -- you can create it.

This guide will give you:

It’s time to claim the confidence you deserve.

Let me show you how.

Hi, I’m Nancy Levin


CEO and Founder of Levin Life Coach Academy, Multi-Bestselling Author, Master Coach, and Host of Your Permission Prescription Podcast.

If you’re anything like our LLCA Alumni, you secretly crave making yourself a priority (but don’t know how and feel guilty even considering it!)… and creating healthy boundaries with the people you love (that actually work!). And more, you want to support others in their growth as well.

I get it. And I can help.

I’ve guided thousands of people — including corporate CEOs, stay-at-home moms, authors, therapists, artists, healers, entrepreneurs, plus aspiring and current coaches — to uncover their truth in the most powerful ways, and I’ve witnessed them do some pretty amazing things. (You’re next!)

I know what happens when you finally step up and find the courage to change, and I’d love the chance to guide you to experience the expansion, freedom, and fulfillment on the other side.

I’m excited you’re here — confidence and change await!

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