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Telling Your Boss or Clients No!

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When I was the event director at Hay House, I was known as Queen of the Impossible.
If there was something that absolutely needed to get done, it usually fell to me because everyone knew that I could accomplish anything.

Who’s Really Violating Your Boundaries?

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How many times have you agreed to do things you didn’t want to?   You’ve said ‘yes’ when you meant ‘no.’You’ve had sex when you didn’t want to.You’ve let others speak for you without claiming your own voice.You’ve picked up the phone even though you knew it would mean listening to your mother complaining. You’re […]

Getting Zen About Boundaries

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If you’re someone who’s struggled with setting (and maintaining) boundaries, then the idea that you might be able to share your needs without anxiety, disappointment or disagreement feels impossible. At least, that’s how it was for me. For most of my life, I was a people-pleaser. The thought of sharing my needs with another seemed […]

Let’s Celebrate INTERdependence!

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Louise Hay, founder of Hay House, motivational author and dear friend, once told me that I deserved an Academy Award for my portrayal as the “perfect wife.”   Together, my husband and I had managed to build a strong façade for the outside world of the perfect couple. I thought everyone must look at our […]

Introducing Boundary Badassery

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Boundaries make freedom possible.   The kind of freedom that most of us dream about each and every day. The freedom we believe will happen “when” and “if” we suddenly and miraculously are removed from our current reality and transported to the fantasy of what we believe our life could be. We think the freedom […]