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How to Say No and Mean It!

blog feature

Let me paint a common picture . . . You’re sitting at your desk, working busily on a project you have to finish when you hear a gentle tap at your office door. You look up to see Jan’s bright awkwardly smiling face, and she asks, “You got a minute?” “Sure,” you reply (you really […]

Freedom from Defining Yourself by Negative Self-Talk

blog feature

I recently celebrated another birthday and while I am normally not one to focus on big celebrations, I’m also not one to get caught up in the whole negative conversation around aging. For me, aging has been a celebration of the wisdom and understanding I’ve gained and the relationship I’ve developed with myself. But this […]

Do You Value Your Worth?

blog feature

Is money the real reason you’re staying in your relationship, or does it have more to do with your personal self worth, find out here.