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Self Care That Doesn’t Cost a Cent!

blog feature

I’ve just had my most perfect morning. Woke early. Meditated. Wrote in my journal. Read. All while my phone was still in Airplane Mode from last night. I’m not one who looks forward to things. But this morning, I have been looking forward to ever since I realized I’d be home alone for hours without any appointments. […]

Are You Committed to Your Non-Negotiables?

blog feature

Although I’m an early riser and definitely a morning person, I’ve never been a roll-out-of-bed-and-go kinda girl. I like to take my time…to meditate, then ritualistically have my coffee, write in my journal and look out my big picture window at Snowmass Mountain. Even if I have an early flight or am on the road […]

What’s Your Worthiness Quotient?

blog feature

One of the easiest ways to tell if your self-worth could use a tune-up is by paying attention to how you judge yourself. Do you get very upset when you make a mistake? Do you say, “Damn! I’m such an idiot!” Do you tell yourself that you aren’t smart enough, aren’t good enough, aren’t capable? […]

Kick Worry to the Curb

blog feature

Is your first thought upon waking, “What do I need to worry about today?” Are you constantly scanning for what needs your attention—in a negative way? I used to wake up every morning and the first thought in my head was, “What do I need to worry about today?” And then a list of other-focused […]

The Intersection of Self-Worth and Net Worth.

blog feature

One of the most important lessons I learned after I went out on my own is that self-worth and net worth are proportional. When I increased my self-worth enough to pursue my dreams, I automatically increased my net worth. What a surprise it was to see that I could grow my net worth outside of […]

Can you see the gift in your projections?

blog feature

Ever notice how the people closest to you can also trigger the heck out of you? She’s so selfish. He’s so rude. She’s a know-it-all. He’s irresponsible.  But, here’s the deal: Every characteristic we don’t like in someone else, exits within us as well. As the old saying goes – when you point a finger […]