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Episode 72: Setting Boundaries with Difficult People

In this episode...

In today’s episode of Your Permission Prescription, I’m sharing how to set boundaries with difficult people. Here’s the good news: It’s not as difficult as you may think. 

Since your boundaries are ultimately between you and you, even if they involve someone else, it’s always your responsibility to set — and hold — them, whether the other person is difficult or not. 

If your boundaries are being crossed, you’re the one crossing them. The challenge in setting boundaries with a difficult person has everything to do with your own commitment to take care of yourself.

Remember, we teach people how to treat us. You have no control over what anyone else does, however, you CAN set boundaries and hold yourself accountable to honor these boundaries. Remember, you don’t need to verbalize your boundaries, or get anyone else’s buy-in or permission.

Listen to Your Permission Prescription: Episode 72 to learn how to set boundaries with difficult people.

What I Discuss & Highlights From Episode 72:

  • How setting boundaries with difficult people is no different than setting ay other boundaries.
  • The reason why not all boundaries need to be verbalized.
  • The most common way we cross our own boundaries.
  • Finding freedom in saying “No” without offering an excuse or a reason.

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From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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