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Name Your Desires First…And Don’t Worry About The Logistics

This week in my coaching group based on the material in my new book Worthy, we’re working with desire. Last night we discussed how critical it is to name the “what” of our dreams and desires, without worrying about the “how.”

I’ve come to realize that, when I name my desires, possibility swirls around me. I have great gratitude for finally overcoming my blinding Type-A-ness, recovering from being a rigidly organized, care-taking, over-achieving, multi-tasking, detail-oriented, time-managing workaholic so that I could begin to entertain fantasy instead of solely focusing on implementation and execution.

I used to only contemplate what needed to be done and how I would be doing it. Cut and dry. Dreaming, wishing, hoping, wanting seemed a luxury, and such a waste of valuable ‘doing’ time. I just couldn’t see the value in pure fancy vs. the real world.

And even though I have heard Wayne Dyer quote the English visionary poet William Blake hundreds of times: “What is now proved was once only imagined,” I somehow still didn’t get that imagining is actually the first and most important step to creating reality.

And then I did.

I imagined my own life changing, and then telling my story of making that change in a way that would help others make their own Jumps into the lives they imagines for themselves.

I imagined sharing myself through publishing books and speaking around the world, and getting to meet and support others on the brink of transition and transformation.

I named my desire to leave my day job, pay off my mortgage, find love again and feel free.

I named my desire to create a coaching process around Jumping, to work with others to feel worthy of naming their truth and desires as they take action and Jump into a new life.

And then, I imagined sharing my experience and process of change, transition and transformation and connecting with like-minded souls over the airwaves at Hay House Radio!

No logistics, just pure possibility.

I started to wonder: “What if – instead of always working, doing, making and performing – the only thing standing between this moment and my greatest me is the willingness to name my desires without worrying about the logistics. What if…?”

And now, I have some answers to the “what if”.

As so many things unfold, I am reminded of the necessity of diving head first into my desires if I ever want to allow, embody and offer the full expression of myself.

How about you? Are YOU ready to move past the fear that’s kept you stuck so you can open the portal to possibility and merge your desires with reality?

I hope you’ll hop on one of my complimentary calls tomorrow so we can talk about it! You can join me for free right here.


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The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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