Missed out on LLCA enrollment? It’s not too late

Episode 68: Inside the Life-Changing Experience of LLCA

In this episode...

In today’s episode of Your Permission Prescription, listen in as I talk with six of my certified Levin Life coaches about their experiences before, during, and after Levin Life Coach Academy.

Learn what led each of them to enroll in LLCA, how it changed their lives, both personally and professionally, as well as how they’ve upleveled their business.

If you’re already a coach, considering becoming a coach, if you want to use life coaching to enhance your current career, or are interested in understanding yourself better, your questions will be answered today by our guests.

Remember to visit nancylevin.com/coaching-academy to learn more about LLCA.

Listen to Your Permission Prescription: Episode 68 to learn if LLCA is right for you from certified Levin Life coaches!

What I Discuss & Highlights From Episode 68:

  • The impact that LLCA has had on each coach’s personal and professional life.
  • How they’re using their certifications to enhance their business and lives.
  • Hear each coach’s unique story and reasons for joining LLCA.
  • What sets LLCA apart from other life coach certification courses and how they’ve been supported by LLCA’s alumni community.

Check out more episodes

Nancy Levin with her laptop

Notes from Nancy

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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