Missed out on LLCA enrollment? It’s not too late

Episode 67: 3 Reasons LLCA is Right for You (and 3 Reasons it’s Not)

In this episode...

In today’s episode, I talk about two of my most popular programs: my FREE Reinvention Prescription workshop, along with my life coach training and certification program, Levin Life Coach Academy (LLCA).

These days, so many people desire freedom. Flexibility. A lucrative career they love. And a community of people supporting them in their goals. However, not many people have the roadmap needed to achieve this lifestyle in these uncertain times.

Does that sound familiar?

If so, you may be interested in my most popular FREE workshop: Your Reinvention Prescription (sign up at nancylevin.com/reinvention-workshop/.

I’ll help give you the tools you’ll need to build a solid foundation for your success, so you can show up as a better coach, leader in your career, more engaged partner or parent, and a mentor and role model in everything you do.

I’ll also share 3 reasons why LLCA may be right for you AND 3 reasons it’s not. I also talk about WHY I created LLCA and what sets it apart from other life coach certification programs out there.

Listen to Your Permission Prescription: Episode 67 to find out if Levin Life Coach Academy (LLCA) is right for you.

What I Discuss & Highlights From Episode 67:

  • The 4 types of people who are a perfect fit for Levin Life Coach Academy
  • Why it’s so important for any aspiring coach to do their own inner work, first, before coaching others
  • What makes Levin Life Coach Academy the premier training and certification program for aspiring and existing coaches
  • The major gap that exists in the world of life coach training and certification

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

Notes from Nancy

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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