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Episode 56: From Stay-at-Home Mom to COO of the Levin Life Coach Academy with Kylie Kwon

In this episode...

It’s official: the Your Permission Prescription Podcast is now 1 year old! And to celebrate our anniversary and examine how far we’ve come, I’ve invited my friend and COO Kylie Kwon onto the podcast.

Kylie has had a significant impact on my business and my life, and vice-versa. When I met Kylie, she was a stay-at-home mom collecting certifications, attempting to get her coaching business up and running. She hadn’t worked a job in over 20 years.

Today, she’s changing people’s lives as the COO of Levin Life Coach Academy. Her story is an inspiration and a lesson in overcoming adversity and giving yourself permission to follow your dreams.

Listen to Your Permission Prescription: Episode 56 to learn Kylie’s biggest insights in going from stay-at-home mom to COO of the Levin Life Coach Academy.

What We Discuss & Highlights From Episode 56:

  • How Kylie learned to give herself permission to be coached without feeling like she had to be “productive” by doing dishes or other chores at the same time
  • How Kylie integrated back into working after 20+ years of being a stay-at-home mom (and how her “mom skills” really did translate to the working world)
  • How Nancy learned to stop approaching her business as a coach, and to start approaching it as a business owner
  • The meaning and background behind the mantra: “I only do what only I can do”

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

Notes from Nancy

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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