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Episode 55: Why It’s So Important to Share Your Truth—And How to Do It Safely in 3 Steps

In this episode...

In today’s episode, I talk about the second step in my “Jump . . . And Your Life Will Appear” book and coaching program: tell the truth to someone safe.

When we withhold a secret or a difficult truth, it kind of turns us into a human pressure cooker. But when you share that truth with another, it’s like hitting the “release” button. It lets the steam out. The trick, of course, is to share that truth safely with someone you trust.

Listen in to learn how to have that conversation in a way that lets the other person know how you want to be received. Trust me on this one: sharing your truth in this way can be a freeing and life-changing conversation if you do it right.

Listen to Your Permission Prescription: Episode 55 to learn why it’s so important to share your truth—and how to do it safely.

What We Discuss & Highlights From Episode 55:

  • Why we sometimes hold in the truth—and why the reaction we’re expecting says so much about the way we’re already treating ourselves
  • The 3 steps to sharing your truth safely and confidently
  • Exactly what to say to tell another person how you want to be received during a difficult conversation
  • Why it’s so critical not to hold in difficult truths and secrets
  • How I learned this lesson through two difficult conversations, about leaving my job and getting divorced

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The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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