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Episode 181 Transcript: Shadow Work Meditation | Stage 5: Resilience

Nancy: Welcome to the Nancy Levin Show. I’m Nancy Levin, founder of Levin Life Coach Academy, best-selling author, master coach, and your host. I help overachieving people pleasers set boundaries that stick and own self-worth, anchored in empowered action, so you can feel free. Plus, if you’re an aspiring or current coach, You are in the right place.

Join me each week for coaching and compelling conversations designed to support you in the spotlight as you take center stage of your own life. 

Let’s dive in. 

Nancy: Welcome back to another episode of the Nancy Levin show today. We are continuing our series of audio meditations that accompany each of the alchemical stages of shadow work in my latest book, “Embrace Your Shadow to Find Your Light.”

So today, we are exploring the fifth alchemical stage of shadow work, which is resilience, and I invite you to join us. Settle in and give yourself some time and space to let yourself explore resilience. 

I think about resilience in terms of shadow work because it follows the stage of authenticity for a good reason. It’s one thing to embrace our authenticity, tell the truth of who we are, and express our truth. When it’s just us, it’s a whole other ball of wax when we take our authenticity out into the real world. 

So, I think of resilience as testing that authenticity out in the world. As we become more resilient, we are also able to dismantle old patterns of behavior and outdated commitments that no longer serve us. We’re able to release the old coping mechanisms and survival strategies that we had in place for so long. 

So, I hope that you enjoy this resilience meditation. And if you want to know where this comes from, you can grab a copy of my book, “Embrace Your Shadow to Find Your Light.” In it, there are QR codes at the end of each section, and you can listen to these meditations as you integrate each of the alchemical stages of shadow work along the way.

Thanks so much for being here. Enjoy. 

Nancy: Welcome to the meditation for stage five, resilience: Embrace Your Shadow to Find Your Light. I’m Nancy Levin, and it’s my honor to guide you. Settle into a comfortable position, whether seated or lying down, and gently close your eyes. 

Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly,  releasing any tension you may be holding. 

Allow yourself these next few minutes. 

Take a few minutes to connect deeply with your inner resilience and authentic self by focusing on your breath. Inhale deeply, feeling the air travel through your nostrils,  filling your lungs,  expanding your chest and belly. Exhale slowly, noticing the sensation of release. 

Bring your awareness to your heart.  

And with each breath, Feel yourself becoming more centered as you enter the cave in the center of your being where your shadows live. 

As you take your seat on your meditation cushion,  imagine a cord extending from the base of your spine down through the cushion, anchoring you within, providing a sense of stability and peace. 

Now, gently bring your awareness to any shadow commitments that have been holding you back. Acknowledge them without any judgment. Understand that they have been part of your journey, serving a protective purpose, but now you are choosing a different path. 

Shift your focus to your resilience affirmation. Perhaps it’s a phrase or even a feeling that embodies your strength and adaptability. 

Repeat this affirmation silently to yourself, 

With each repetition, feel its power growing within you. 

Visualize this resilience as a bright light in your core,  expanding with each breath, filling you with strength and determination. 

Now, imagine this light guiding you toward a new commitment, a commitment to your authenticity. 

Picture yourself living in alignment with your true self. See yourself making choices and taking actions that reflect your genuine desires and values. Feel the freedom and joy that comes from being authentically you. 

As you continue to breathe deeply,  imagine this integration happening on both a physical and spiritual level. Your body and soul are aligning with your resilience and authenticity. 

With each breath, this alignment grows stronger,  infusing every part of your being with courage and self-love. 

As this meditation comes to a close, bring your hands to your heart, feeling grateful for this journey, grateful for your resilience, for the authenticity you are embracing, and for your courage to release old patterns. 

Take a deep breath, savoring this feeling of empowerment as you exhale. Gently open your eyes, returning to the room with a renewed sense of purpose and self-alignment. Remember, you are resilient, authentic, and capable of amazing things. 

Carry this feeling with you throughout your day. 

Nancy: Thanks so much for joining me today. I invite you to head on over to Nancy’s channel to check out all the goodies I have there for you. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a rating and review. I’ll meet you back here next week.