Missed out on LLCA enrollment? It’s not too late

Episode 169 Transcript: My Unconventional Journey to Becoming a Coach

Nancy: Welcome back to the Nancy Levin show.

It is no secret that Levin Life Coach Academy is open for enrollment right now. 

So, whether you are currently a coach or aspiring to be one, this training and certification program is for you. You can find out more about this all the details and you can even book a time to meet with me on Zoom at www.nancylevin.com/yes

Nancy: Welcome to the Nancy Levin Show. I’m Nancy Levin, founder of Levin Life Coach Academy, bestselling author, master coach, and your host. I help overachieving people pleasers, set boundaries that stick and own self-worth—anchored in empowered action so you can feel free. Plus, if you’re an aspiring or current coach, you are in the right place. 

Join me each week for coaching and compelling conversations designed to support you in the spotlight as you take center stage of your own life. Let’s dive in. 

Nancy: So today, in this episode, I want to share a bit about my own unconventional journey to becoming a coach and to ultimately opening the doors to my own training and certification program. 

So, I was the event director at Hay House for 12 years. 

And back in 2010, as I was in the process of reeling from a marriage that I had blown up and in the process of a very challenging and nasty divorce, my dear friend and mentor, Debbie Ford, invited me to take a seat during her workshop instead of producing the event. And so my team, my staff ran the event and I sat in the chair to do the work. What happened that weekend was so transformative for me that I ended up hiring one of Debbie’s coaches to support me through my divorce. And then, I ultimately, enrolled later that year in Debbie’s Life Coach Training and Certification Program. 

I had no desire to be a coach. 

I had my dream job at Hay House. I enrolled in her training and certification program to do the deep dive on myself, to really ask myself the hard questions, tell myself the hard truths, to get to know my own inner landscape, to connect the dots of my life so that I could really step into living and expressing my truth.

Somewhere along the way, my desire to help others in this particular fashion became really strong. And my calling to put myself out there as a coach was undeniable. Because I had become unrecognizable on the other side of becoming a certified coach, while it took a little bit of time to leave my position at Hay House, I did so, and I really leaned into this calling to help other people get free. 

Debbie passed in 2013 and passed the torch to me.

So, she’s credited with really bringing the concept of shadow work to a wide audience, and I have taken that torch and run with it to evolve shadow work even further through what I’ve shared in my books, coaching models that I’ve created, and now, deeply in Levin Life Coaching Academy. 

So when I was coaching one one-on-one and even in groups, I had certified coaches, people who had been certified elsewhere coming to me and saying,  “I have a coaching certification, I don’t know how to get clients, and I wouldn’t even know what to do with a client If I got one.” I had aspiring coaches coming to me saying, “I want to be a coach like you, where should I go?” And the bottom line is that I had nowhere to send them.  

So, because necessity is the mother of invention, I decided to create my own coaching academy. And so the doors to Levin Life Coaching Academy training and certification program opened for the very first time in the fall of 2019, and we enrolled our first cohort then.

We are currently enrolling our sixth cohort.

Hundreds of coaches have come through Levin Life Coaching Academy and have not only experienced the significant transformation within themselves, they have now guided hundreds of others to their own transformations. And this is what I want for you. I want for you to have an experience where you can do the healing work you need to do in order to be able to help others do the same. 

One of the foundational modules of Levin Life Coaching Academy is me coaching you through reinvention coaching, which is one of my coaching models that I’ve created. It’s the first coaching model of mine you have the opportunity to get certified in. But the beauty is you begin this training and certification program in the seat of the client. You begin by getting to experience your own inner work first. Because if there’s one thing I’ve seen across the board with every cohort of coaches I have graduated, being able to step into visibility is a potent and profound experience. And the only way we can step into visibility is when we have been able to take a deep, long look within. 

So, at the core of everything is self-love, self-trust, self-acceptance. 

Once we’re able to really be in alignment with ourselves, to be in right relationship with ourselves, then we’re able to bring ourselves visibly forward. 

So, when I created Levin Life Coaching Academy, it was really because I needed to fill the gap that was out there. There are plenty of other coach training and certification programs. There are plenty will take you five minutes. There are plenty that will cost you less. I don’t know of another coach training and certification program that will anchor you inside yourself so deeply that you feel skilled, confident, and prepared to attract the clients you desire and guide them to the changes they want to make. 

Nancy: Hi, it’s Nancy interrupting my own show. I’ve got a lot of exciting things coming up in 2024, including a brand-new book. Plus, it is a group coaching opportunity unlike anything else I have ever offered before. To make sure you are in the know, pop on over to my website now and sign up for my free weekly newsletter at www.nancylevin.com/newsletter so you don’t miss a thing. 

Okay. Back to the show. 

Nancy: I feel passionately about supporting people to move from where they are right now to where they want to be. And I feel it’s important to let you know that I am in a constant state of doing the same within myself. The work, the inner work, is never complete. As long as we are alive, we are invited to be introspective. 

Part of being a coach is staying immersed in the inner work. 

When I created Levin Life Coaching Academy, I did so because I wanted to have a place where, in equal parts, personal development, essential coaching skills, practice, and community played a part. One of the things I could never have planned for and continues to inspire me and put me in a state of awe is the community that forms instantaneously. Not only with each new cohort that comes in, but then in the greater scope of the LLCA alumni community of certified coaches. 

In fact, this past March in Phoenix, Hay House held their “I can do it” conference. 

I spoke and had a booth, and it was very exciting and a big full circle moment for me since speaking at those conferences is always exciting, and I was one of the team who originally created the very first ever “I can do it” conference back in 2003. 

So, at that event, what was truly… I don’t even know what to say! It was a magnificent opportunity, moment, and experience of awe when more than 25 certified Levin Life coaches came together in person for the very first time.

Now, I will say that with a 20-year career in live in-person event producing, I have always sung the tune of “We’ve got to be together in person.” Something magical happens when warm bodies are in a room together, experiencing something together. I never knew the power of technology until I experienced the extreme sense of connection and trust that was formed inside of Levin Life Coaching Academy.

Now, we started the first cohort in the fall of 2019. And, of course, that was before the pandemic. And what was so incredible is that as the pandemic came on, there was such a profound sense of community in moving through the pandemic together as part of an LLCA cohort. And I saw it over and over and over again as the pandemic continued, as we moved into different phases of the world.

And here we are at yet another sort of unpredictable, uncertain time. 

One of the things I know that can support us when we might be fearful, when we might be feeling challenged, when we might feel uncertain is to bond together as part of a community.  We do not have to go through these times alone, and we do not have to go through pursuing our own dreams alone. 

Here’s the deal. Like I said, when I went through my coach training back in 2010, I had no design on being a coach. I was doing my training because I wanted to know myself better and I wanted to bring coaching skills to my current career. It was through experiencing what coaching did for me that had me want to then offer the same to others.

So, no matter where you are in your life—again, if you are currently a coach and want to bring new coaching models, techniques, and methods into your practice, if you are aspiring to be a coach, if you have been coached or have sort of been exploring coaching and you’re coach curious and you want to know what it would be like, this is for you.

You might be a therapist who is looking to add coaching into your offerings. You might be an entrepreneur or a business owner, or you might be in the workforce, and you want to bring coaching skills into the work you’re currently doing in the world. Or you might simply be wanting to do your own personal work on a deeper level.

All of these scenarios make you a perfect candidate for Levin Life Coaching Academy. 

And What I really want to instill in you is I could never have imagined the way my life would open up when I was willing to double down on what felt most important to me at the time. I see it if I look back at myself at different stages in my life.

You may or may not know I have a master’s degree in poetry, which, you know, just last night, someone said to me, “And what do you do with that?” And I said, “I do something with it every single day.”  Because when we are looking at embracing our wholeness, when we are looking at ourselves as a holistic example of everything that we have consumed or immersed ourselves in.

Every choice we make becomes a facet of the diamond.

Becomes a small part that gets rooted in the foundation of who we are. So, it can never be removed or replaced. That’s part of what this invitation is for you. 

I felt called when I was 25 to go to Greece. I laid on a nude beach and thought there’s got to be a way to make money doing this. I moved back to New York and became an artist model, that led me to applying to the Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, for my master’s in poetry. I moved from New York City to Boulder, sight unseen. I pursued different jobs along the way that weren’t quite right that eventually led me to my position at Hay House, that was perfect. 

My position at Hay House prepared me to go out on my own. 

Once I was out on my own coaching and writing books, I had a vision for creating my own coaching certification training program because I knew what the world needed. I didn’t want people going through programs that were a flash in the pan, fly by night, that were $99 for a weekend. I knew that the people who will benefit most from coaches deserve coaches who are well trained, well-skilled, and well prepared, and I knew that I was the one who could deliver that. 

Here we are, six years down the line, enrolling our sixth cohort. I believe now more than ever that I am the one who can prepare you to be the coach you want to be in the world. 

So, as the title of my book states, I invite you to jump so your life can appear. 

Because if you don’t do anything different, your life will stay the same. And if you make a different choice in this very moment and take action toward your desire, that vision of yours can come to fruition. We only open the doors once a year and enrolling is happening right now. Like I said, all the details are at nancylevin.com/yes.

And if you’ve got questions, if you want more information, I invite you to book a time for us to have a conversation. I will get on Zoom with you, and I will share with you exactly how LLCA can serve you best, no matter where you are in your life right now. 

All you have to do is say “yes” to you first and foremost, and I’ve got you. 

Thanks so much for being here today, and I look forward to being here with you again next time. 

Nancy: Thanks so much for joining me today. I invite you to head on over to nancylevin.com to check out all the goodies I have there for you. And, if you’ve enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a rating and review. 

I’ll meet you back here next week.