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Episode 165 Transcript: How to Move from Dissatisfaction into Fulfillment

Nancy: Remember that dissatisfaction is not your enemy. It is a powerful ally on your journey of growth. By identifying and embracing and transforming your dissatisfaction, you open the door to profound personal transformation. You have the power to turn your dissatisfaction into a stepping stone toward your best self.

Nancy: Welcome to the Nancy Levin Show. I’m Nancy Levin, Founder of Levin Life Coach Academy, best-selling author, master coach, and your host. I help overachieving people pleasers set boundaries that stick and own self-worth, anchored in empowered action, so you can feel free. Plus, if you’re an aspiring or current coach, you are in the right place. Join me each week for coaching and compelling conversations designed to support you in the spotlight, as you take center stage of your own life. Let’s dive in.

Nancy: Welcome back to the Nancy Levin show. Today we’re going to be looking at how dissatisfaction is actually an opportunity for growth. It is easy to view dissatisfaction as something we should avoid or suppress. But what if I told you that dissatisfaction is actually a powerful signal? It is a signal that there is an opportunity for growth and transformation right in front of us.

 So let’s first begin with understanding what dissatisfaction truly is. It’s that gnawing feeling, that whisper in the back of your mind ,that says something isn’t quite right. Maybe it’s your job or a relationship, or even your own self perception. It’s important to recognize that this feeling is not here to punish you, it’s actually here to offer guidance. So the first step in using dissatisfaction as a tool for growth is first, identifying its source. I’m going to offer you a few practices that you can use that will help you pinpoint where your dissatisfaction is coming from.

So the first is journaling. You can take some time each day to write about what’s on your mind. You can do a brain dump. Don’t censor yourself. Let your thoughts flow freely. Pay attention to recurring themes and patterns. Notice what keeps coming up. Notice where you feel the most tension or discomfort. 

The second practice you can utilize is mindfulness meditation. You can sit quietly, focus on your breath, and as thoughts arise, gently observe them without judgment. Notice which thoughts are connected to feelings of dissatisfaction. Where do they seem to originate? What situations or people are involved? 

The third is a body scan. Our bodies often hold clues to our emotional state. Lie down in a comfortable position, mentally scan your body from head to toe. Where do you feel tightness or discomfort? These physical sensations can be indicators of emotional dissatisfaction. 

So once you’ve identified the source, the next step is to embrace your dissatisfaction. And this might sound counterintuitive, but accepting and acknowledging your feelings is crucial for growth. Here’s how you can do this… 

So the first way is an affirmation practice. Create affirmations that honor your own feelings. For example, I acknowledge my dissatisfaction and welcome it as a guide for growth. That way, you are inviting it in, instead of trying to push away. You are opening yourself up to what dissatisfaction is here to teach you today.

The second is self compassion. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Remember, it is okay to feel dissatisfied. It doesn’t make you ungrateful. It doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human. So speak to yourself as you would a dear friend who is struggling. 

The third is visualization. Imagine your dissatisfaction as a wise mentor. What is your dissatisfaction here to teach you? What is the lesson you have to learn here? Visualize a conversation with this mentor, asking for guidance and insight. This can help you see your feelings from a brand new perspective. 

Now that you’ve identified and embraced your dissatisfaction, it’s time to transform it into growth. And here are some actionable steps you can take. 

So first, set your clear intentions. Clearly define what you want to achieve. What changes do you need to make to move from dissatisfaction to fulfillment? Write down your intentions and keep them somewhere visible. 

The second is to create a plan. Break down your intentions into manageable micro actions. What can you do today? What can you do this week, this month, to move you closer to your goal? Having a plan gives you a sense of direction and purpose. 

The third thing you can do is seek support because growth is easier with support. You do not need to do this work alone. It is wonderful to do this kind of work with a coach and to do this work in community.

Nancy: Hi, it’s Nancy interrupting my own show. I’ve got a lot of exciting things coming up in 2024, including a brand new book plus a group coaching opportunity, unlike anything else I have ever offered before. To make sure you are in the know, pop on over to my website now and sign up for my free weekly newsletter at nancylevin.com/newsletter so you don’t miss a thing. Okay, back to the show. 

Next, you can reflect and adjust. So regularly review your progress. What’s working? What’s not working? Be willing to adjust your plan as needed. Remember that growth is not a straight line. It is not linear. It is a journey with twists and turns. 

Not long ago, I coached a client who was deeply dissatisfied with her career and she loved her field but felt stuck in her current role. Through our coaching work and additional journaling and meditation, she identified that her dissatisfaction was really stemming from a lack of creativity and autonomy. Once she was able to see this, she was able then to set in motion her desire to find a role that offered her more freedom. We put a clear plan in place, with my support, she took action and eventually found a new position that not only met her needs, but exceeded her expectations. The important element here to remember is that her dissatisfaction was the catalyst for the opportunity that then created the transformation she was looking for. 

Before we wrap up, I’d like to guide you through a short practice to help you connect with your dissatisfaction and begin your own journey of growth.

 So close your eyes here, take a nice deep breath in and let it out and allow yourself to settle into this moment.

Imagine a place where you feel completely safe and at peace. It can be a real place or a place from your imagination. Simply picture yourself there right now. In this safe place, bring to mind the feeling of dissatisfaction. Where do you feel it In your body? What thoughts are arising? Simply observe without judgment. And now imagine this feeling of dissatisfaction transforming into a wise guide. This guide is here to help you grow. What does your guide look like? What does your guide say to you? 

Allow yourself to spend a few moments in conversation with your guide, listening to their wisdom. And with your next deep breath, slowly open your eyes. You may want to make some notes in your journal about what your wise guide had to say. 

Most importantly, remember that dissatisfaction is not your enemy. It is a powerful ally on your journey of growth. By identifying and embracing and transforming your dissatisfaction, you open the door to profound personal transformation. You have the power to turn your dissatisfaction into a stepping stone toward your best self. 

I’ll see you again next week.

Nancy: Thanks so much for joining me today. I invite you to head on over to nancylevin.com to check out all the goodies I have there for you. And if you’ve enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, leave a rating and a review. I’ll meet you back here next week.