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Episode 163: Embrace Your Shadow to Empower Your Business

In this episode...

In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I discuss the intersection of shadow work and entrepreneurship. Shadow work involves exploring the hidden, unconscious aspects of yourself that you’ve suppressed or denied. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, or a high-achieving individual, shadow work can revolutionize the way you lead, operate, innovate, and most importantly, thrive! I discuss how the 7 alchemical stages of shadow work can support you in your business, how to identify and release outdated shadow commitments, and how to get in alignment with your business desires.

Listen to The Nancy Levin Show: Episode 163 to learn how shadow work can revolutionize you and your business. 

Or watch the full episode on my youtube channel.

In addition, I share with you my new shadow work guide,  Shadow work for Entrepreneurs: A Transformative Guide to Maximize Your Business Success, so you can embrace your shadow to empower your business. Click here to grab your copy! 

What We Discuss & Highlights From Episode 163:

  • The professional impact of shadow work 
  • The impact of shadow work on your leadership, innovation and creativity
  • The 7 alchemical stages of shadow work
  • Outdated shadow commitments
  • Getting in alignment with what you desire

Click here to view the transcript

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Notes from Nancy

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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