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Episode 162 Transcript: How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart with Meggan Roxanne

Meggan: Fear is something that will linger and stay and present itself in so many different ways just to force you to jump over it. You have to get through fear. You cannot go around it. You cannot ignore it, you cannot pretend it’s not there. You actually have to walk through it because that’s the only way you’re going to grow. And this ten year stretch is something that’s taught me never to let that happen again.

Nancy: Welcome to the Nancy Levin Show. I’m Nancy Levin, Founder of Levin Life Coach Academy, best-selling author, master coach, and your host. I help overachieving people pleasers set boundaries that stick and own self-worth, anchored in empowered action, so you can feel free. Plus, if you’re an aspiring or current coach, you are in the right place. Join me each week for coaching and compelling conversations designed to support you in the spotlight, as you take center stage of your own life. Let’s dive in.

Nancy: Welcome back to the Nancy Levin show. I am delighted to have my guest here, Meggan Roxanne. She is a first generation British Trinidadian author, entrepreneur, digital artist, speaker and the inspirational force behind the renowned platform The Good Quote. Her brand new book, just out from Hay House, is How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart: Stop People Pleasing, Set Boundaries and Heal from Self Sabotage. After dropping out of university, working a job that was draining her energy and spirit, and battling with anxiety and depression, Meggan launched a Tumblr blog that became an overnight sensation.From this Meggan’s company, The Good Company was born, a positive platform that creates and publishes original content through social media, videos, articles and podcasts to encourage motivation, positive thinking, higher vibrational living and well being. Meggan has built a community of over 30 million people dedicated to mental health awareness, wellness and self development. And Megan’s story is a testament to resilience, innovation and the impact of sharing one’s journey, making her a unique and inspiring figure in this digital age.

Megan, it is my honor to welcome you. 

Meggan: Thank you so much for having me. It’s my honor to be here. 

Nancy: You shine with such a light and I felt it the moment that we were in the room together at the Hay House Mastermind event in October in New York. And I’m so excited as we just discovered, our books are like sisters coming out just a week apart or a couple weeks apart, which is so cool.

Meggan: Yeah, I think for a first time author being published is an ultimate dream and the entire journey has been such a life changing, eye opening, self discovering journey. And I wouldn’t want to ever publish a book like this with any other publishing company but Hay House. They have been fantastic. So supportive. So supportive. I mean, when my agent and I were looking around for different publishers, we went to so many different people, and there was just something that struck with Hay House and there were some people, there were some publishing companies where I said to my agent, if I was to have a bad mental health day, I don’t know if they would support me, and that’s really important. And Hay House has been so supportive throughout this entire journey. So it’s been fantastic. Yeah, it’s been great. 

Nancy: Well, I, of course, love hearing that. And I, too, cherish the fact that I’m at Hay House. I want you to share with us what got you to the place where you knew it was time to write this book, your own personal history is really woven throughout the pages.

Meggan: Yes. Yes. So, you know, everybody is simply just their story. You know, we really are the conclusion of our own story, things that have implemented us throughout our path. With me, my story is so intense. There’s so many different factors that’s had an impact on me. And I think the main thing was my mother being diagnosed with stage four breast cancer in 2020. And that’s when I actually started writing. I don’t know what I was writing for, but I remember telling her that I’m writing a book and I came across a tweet this morning, actually, that I posted four years ago in 2020, saying that the first book that I write will look after me for the rest of my life. I didn’t know. I just had this feeling that I was going to write a book. The title of the book came from a carousel that I made. It received, like, 300,000 likes and it was a title that my mother approved. And I actually posted it a few months even before, after she passed away. And Hay House loved the title. 

What got me here was just a level of exhaustion.I got to a point where my mother’s gon,e a lot of my elders passed away during COVID, I lost some friends. And I realized that life really is just a sum of events in the people that you love. And I don’t gain anything by holding all of this trauma in. There are people that can learn from what it is I’ve been going through or have been through and for me to be able to finally walk away from that and bury it, I would actually have to put it down in writing, share the wisdom, and then walk away. And that’s literally what I’ve done. So when I look at this book, when I look at this book, I think to myself, gosh, everything that I’ve been through is practically in here. All the things that contributed to me breaking my own heart, it’s all in here. But it doesn’t affect me anymore because I’m either dealing with it or I’ve dealt with it. So it’s gotten to the point where it’s just a story now, and it’s such a beautiful example of how healing can just be so transformational and, yeah, that’s just that’s literally how I got here. I just got to a level of exhaustion. I lost everything, and I just thought, I don’t know how long I’ve got left. It’s time I tell this story. 

Nancy: As someone who has also, you know, bared her soul and story in her books, I know that there is a process to go through around self forgiveness, self acceptance, in order to be able to share the story, you know, from the place where I’m no longer emotionally attached to it so I can put it out there to share and help others heal as well. But the internal healing must come first. 

Meggan: Precisely. And they don’t tell you how difficult that is. They don’t tell you how difficult that is at all. I’ve been doing therapy now for two years. If it wasn’t for me doing therapy, I don’t think I would have been in the space to write this book, if I’m being honest. Because there were so many things that were brought to my attention that I was healing from that I didn’t even know I was healing from. And it’s true, you have to forgive yourself. There are some messages, some stories in this book where I read it back. I’m just like, oh, my gosh, I can’t believe I did that. I cannot believe that I put myself through that. But I don’t hold onto things as much as I used to. I’m aware that with every challenge is growth, with every obstacle, it’s an opportunity to learn more about yourself. It’s an opportunity to redefine who you are. So everything that happens, I try my best to try and find a lesson in it. And basically what fueled me through this, when I was writing out the personal experiences that happened in my life and what wisdom I was going to obtain from it, I looked at it and I thought to myself, okay, that happened. I forgive myself. What did I learn? How can I help other people who are in that same position and need to learn these lessons? And, yeah, the self forgiveness part is still something that I’m still doing at this point. It’s not an overnight situation. It’s something that, you know, it could take weeks, it could take months, it could take years. I think the cringe aspect of some of the things is still lingering, but I’m learning to give myself grace. And with grace I’m meeting more fruitful, intentional sides of myself. So, yeah, I hope that answers your question. 

Nancy: So I want to go back to when you started The Good Quote. And, you know, as I said when I was introducing you, a Tumblr blog, I mean, that’s a long time ago. 

Meggan: Tumblr was one of the most intentional social media platforms there was. There was no metrics, people didn’t care about followers.It was just somewhere to express yourself. And hopefully through that expression, you would be able to come aligned with a community that relate to what it is that you’re talking about. And that’s literally what happened. I was listening to a mixtape by Wiz Khalifa called Cushion Orange Juice, and I named my blog Cushion Wisdom because I was taking the positive lyrics from hip hop songs and turning them into picture quotes and enabling me to generate a following that not only liked the music that I used to listen to, but also was seeking motivation. And then I started to collaborate with other writers because I kept getting DCMA notices from the labels to take this stuff down. So I started to collaborate with writers, and I realized that there’s a writer in LA, there’s one in New York, there’s one in Dubai, there’s a girl in Mexico, there’s somebody in Canada. We’re all the same age. We all have the same expressions, the same feelings, but she’s explaining it so much more deeply. But he’s getting to the root of it in a male’s perspective. I just had all of these great writers. I combined them. I created picture quotes, I created a streamline of motivational content every hour for the day. And this was when, this was way before there were schedules, so I would have two minutes and then wake up and post and sleep for 50 minutes. Yeah, it was crazy.

Nancy: Are you kidding? 

Meggan: Yeah, it was crazy. But what happened was in the first day of posting, I got 12,000 followers, and that accumulated to 1 million in the space of a year on Tumblr. I still have 1.6 million on Tumblr now. But that inspiration sparked my business partner at the time, who was just somebody who was introduced to me to come with a whole bunch of ideas, and we partnered and he was like, you need to get onto Instagram. Tumblr’s only going to go so far. And we took the concept, we changed the name from christian wisdom to the good quote. And in our first month, we received our first million followers and it just blew up from there. And, you know, we went through a stage where a lot of celebrities were following and then a lot of celebrities unfollowed and then we started to get the everyday person more, just more people, more community, you know? And we have this saying that everybody knows somebody who follows the good quote. And it’s something we love to test when we go to different countries, but it really is just a beautiful community of people that were seeking the same thing, which is just daily reassurance, daily affirmations, daily hope. 

Nancy: So I’m curious, you know, so you went, you started out with sharing quote graphics, other people’s writing. 

Meggan: Other people’s writing, like, so positive hip hop songs and then I would take the picture of that artist and put the text on top as like a little shadow, and it blew up. People were posting it on their BlackBerry messenger icons. People were posting it on Facebook. My generation started to use picture quotes as a way to emotionally express themselves if they didn’t want to speak. It was common for a friend to disappear for a couple of days and put a quote up that expressed how they felt and would know. And it just something that people would share based on how they were feeling. And it really did change the way that we communicated. I don’t think that’s actually been spoken about enough. You know, we really use quotes. We really use quotes to share our emotions. Even if you want to send something to your partner, you might send a beautiful quote that’s touched you and you send it to your partner and it touches them for the day. I didn’t have any idea that any of this stuff would happen. I just knew that in my depressed state, this was what was waking me up and making me excited for the day. It was also making me feel better from the responses of people following. They were feeling better. I opened up a store. Everything was just aligning. Yeah.

Nancy:  So as you were sharing, as you were sharing these quotes, were you also writing at that time, or did writing come later for you?

Meggan: I was writing. I was writing. I think I started to write after we got the DMCA notices and loads of threats that the blog is going to get shut down. And when I started looking for other writers, I started to write myself.I was raised from a book lover. My mother used to read rather than watch TV. A lot of our entertainment, because she was a single mother, so we only had around4 to 5 hours of each other’s time when I was a child, and a lot of our entertainment would be her reading a book or her reading me a book, us talking about it, us going to sleep. And so I was raised in an environment where books were the main source of entertainment and a really great opportunity for you to delve into somebody else’s reality for however long it takes for you to get through that book. So, writing is something that I’ve always been doing. I would write poems for families. I would write stories for my mom when she was at work. It’s just something that’s always been ingrained. My father was a musician, and he was very good with words. All of my siblings, my half siblings, are poets or spoken word artists. It’s something within us. So writing is just second nature to me. And I started to write while I was looking for the other writers, and then I had about six writers. We had a group called Fameless, and underneath that group, our main contribution every day was just filling up the blog. So I would post quotes, and all the other writers would post quotes. And that’s how I built my following, slightly. I’ve never really tried to put myself out there, only in recent. But even posting a quote every other day on a good quote got me 143,000 followers. And I realized that, okay, these words help. These words heal. This is something that’s now becoming somebody’s daily routine. Somebody actually feels better when they read my words. It made me feel affirmed as a writer, you know, and it’s something that you want to do forever. So, yeah, I think from the main blog, it really did start my writing career. I actually haven’t thought about it like that, but it really did. There was such a demand, it was every day. Yeah. 

Nancy: So you mentioned something that sparked this question in me around, so at first it was The Good Quote, and then you started to put yourself out there, as you said. So in other words, originally it was the promotion of The Good Quote, not necessarily you. You weren’t the face of this community that you were building. 

Meggan: Never. 

Nancy: Right. Let’s talk about what it’s like to now be the face of your book, of your brand, of your mission. What it’s like to be visible in this way. 

Meggan: Visibility has always been something that I’ve struggled with because when I first got onto The Good Quote, I did try to post myself a few times and got hit with a lot of racism, so it really impacted how I felt about everything. It’s not nice, especially the weight of the word. I don’t appreciate anybody calling me that so I kind of just took a step back. And that step back, it was interesting because I had a phone call, I had a Zoom call with Hay House, and we were speaking about this and I was like, this is a perfect lesson to share. And I’m so happy you asked me this question, because this is what I’ve learned. Ten years ago, we were on a Good Quote, it was 2014. We started The Good Quote, we had the page for 2012, but we didn’t start posting until 2014. It’s now 2024. The same issue that I had of being visible still happens today. But what happened is I denied myself ten years of actually putting my face to the business. I denied myself the opportunity to grow and have my life completely changed because of racism, because of other people’s prejudice. And I’ve been going live recently to promote my book and it’s been great. I go with my therapist, sometimes I go by myself, and I’ve been doing it for about a month now, and I think I’ve been called the n word maybe 65 times to the point even my therapist was like, this is crazy. And it actually only comes from a certain demographic of people. So it’s fine. I understand the politics. I get it. You know, it’s mostly from South Asia. It dawns on me that it’s not ever going to stop. So I can either spend the next ten years hiding away because of a word, or I can actually just embrace myself and put that aside and actually go for what it is that I’m deserving of having. And that is what, again, that’s why I say this book has been such a life changing, eye opening experience, because it’s really taking me out of my comfort zone, and it’s really pushing me into the unknown. And I’m finding that regardless of how fearful it is in that dark, unknown area, I’m showing up, and I’m showing up with the same things that held me back for ten years. So that’s one of the reasons why I haven’t been visible. How does it feel to be visible? It’s okay. I’m enjoying it. I’m meeting great people. It’s definitely giving me a lot more confidence. I definitely believe that I’m ready. I’m still learning. But I love the messages that I get from other black women, other black people in general who are just like, I can’t believe this is a black owned site. I cannot believe it. I’ve been following this for years. I cannot believe it. It’s just beautiful. And I really wish I came out years ago, years ago. But that’s basically what’s been happening over the last month. And I guess from that, the lesson that I learned is that fear is something that will linger and stay and present itself in so many different ways just to force you to jump over it. You have to get through fear. You cannot go around it. You cannot ignore it. You cannot pretend it’s not there. You actually have to walk through it because that’s the only way you’re going to grow. And this ten year stretch is something that’s taught me never to let that happen again. Never. 

Nancy: Yeah. 

Meggan: Being visible to me is just such a monumental moment just for, I guess, 24 year old me that was too scared. Now 34 year old me is like, we don’t have the time. We actually have this do or die, and I’m doing so. It’s rewarding. It’s very rewarding. 

Nancy: Thank you for sharing all of that. I think it’s really important for all of us to hear that.

Nancy: Hi, it’s Nancy interrupting my own show. I’ve got a lot of exciting things coming up in 2024, including a brand new book plus a group coaching opportunity, unlike anything else I have ever offered before. To make sure you are in the know, pop on over to my website now and sign up for my free weekly newsletter at nancylevin.com/newsletter so you don’t miss a thing. Okay, back to the show. 

Nancy: You know, when I think about visibility, I don’t just think about it as letting ourselves be seen. I actually think about it as a way in which we are stepping into the spotlight. We are actually drawing attention to ourselves. 

Meggan: Yeah. Yeah. It’s daunting, isn’t it? Especially with safety risks as well. I didn’t realize that influencers are doing so many things to ensure that people can’t see where they are or locate them. But in regards to emotions and what being visible does for yourself and other people, your words, you were given this gift because you were the right person to share these words. And I think every time I remind myself that I’m here to serve, the fear of being visible it kind of erodes. Because it’s not about me. It’s about what my spiritual contribution to this world is. Everybody has, you know, the lollipop lady who lets the kids across the road that could be her contribution to the universe, who knows? But mine is to write. And so being visible in regards to vulnerability, because vulnerability is a superpower, it’s not something that I fear. I think it’s something that I stagnate and procrastinate on because I’m scared of how other people are going to receive it. But once it’s out there, it’s so powerful to see what it does in the comments when people are emailing you. I would advise everybody to be as vulnerable and as visible as they can, because it opens up your world. It really changes your world. Your life can be in one place in January, and because you decided to be transparent with your talent, with your gift, in December, you can be in a completely different place and you deserve that. And the only way you can unlock that is what we said before, which is going through fear. That’s my personal opinion on that. So visibility is nothing to fear. It’s actually your birthright.

You deserve to be seen, you deserve to be heard. You deserve to share your words or your gift or whatever it is. And you deserve to accumulate a community that wants to receive more from you and just ignore the people that aren’t right for you. They’re not your target audience, it’s that simple.

Nancy: Exactly. I mean, we are not for everyone, and not everyone is going to like us.

Meggan: Yeah. 

Nancy: And that’s okay. 

Meggan: It’s fine. Social media will have you thinking that’s the wrong way of thinking because of all the metrics, the numbers. But you know what, somebody said something to me one time because I was really being very ungrateful, and I was complaining that a post only got 20,000 likes. And I was like, we’ve got so many followers because a quote has to get 100,000 likes for me to feel like, you know, it’s so silly, but it’s what I’ve stuck with for years, right? This quote got 20,000 likes and I was so upset because I loved the quote, you know? And then my friend, my friend, my business partner said to me, how many people are in the O2 stadium in south London? And I was like, oh, it has a capacity of 25,000 seats. He said, when an artist sells out that stadium, that’s a monumental achievement. That’s 25,000 people. 20,000 people liked this post, don’t let these numbers make you ungrateful. This is still a lot of people, you know? And even though it only received 20,000 likes, those are 20,000 people that are engaging with it. Those are 20,000 people, if they go and speak about that to other people, if they go, and that’s going to change how many more people’s lives. And so, yeah, I think social media, it really does reinforce this false way of thinking, but the most important thing is that you’re being true to yourself. And, yeah, I don’t know if I’m making much sense. 

Nancy: Of course you are! Because I think what social media has given tremendous rise to is the comparison and the competition and the way that we might, you know, or the bar we hold for ourselves. Like you holding 100,000 likes and being upset with 20,000 and then remembering 20,000 likes is 20,000 human beings, 20,000 heartbeats, 20,000 living breathing beings. And that’s tremendous impact. Tremendous impact. And I think we forget our impact because the truth is, similar to what you were saying before, and I know we all say some version of this, you know, if what I’m sharing can help one person, and it’s one person and then another one person, and then another one person, who really needs to hear what we have to say and who really needs to be able to find themselves in your story. Who needs to be able to read what you’ve experienced and identify and resonate.So much of what you shared was resonant for me, so much.

Meggan: Oh, that’s lovely to hear. That’s lovely to hear. 

Nancy: Sure. I mean, all the elements of self sabotage, everything around boundaries. I mean, you know, everything around the way that we experience our own sense of self worth and the ways in which we go about trying to earn our worth because we feel less than in some way.

Meggan: Yeah. Yeah, it’s been a journey. It’s been a journey. The last bit is really detrimental to oneself. You know, the less you go to try and get the approval of others, or even just the love of others, when really everything that you actually need, you can find it within, you know? And I learned that the hard way when my mother passed away, that I was chasing so many things, trying to make so happy, when really the only person that ever truly mattered was myself and my mother and my God. And that’s it, you know? And it’s through her death that I’ve made so many changes. I had to. Because when you don’t have your parents, you don’t really have anybody, right? And so therefore, you can be vulnerable out there and people will take advantage of you. And I don’t believe that people have to wait until their parents pass away to get to this point. But you deserve to protect yourself. You do deserve to see yourself in a better light. You deserve to reclaim your time. You deserve to have a compassionate mind, a compassionate inner voice. You deserve to be free. You actually deserve to be free of all of these habits, all of these patterns that you keep aligning yourself with.

 And I think I’ve spoken so transparently in this book about the things that I’ve gone through that have definitely created transformational change in my day to day. But the whole art or the practice of unbreaking your own heart, I’m still learning how to piece my heart back together again. And I want to read my book to know that I don’t have all the answers. I will still struggle with, I don’t know, page 30, myth of perfection. You know, perfectionism has been a massive thing in this campaign. I still struggle with it, but because I’m aware, because my therapist made me understand that self awareness is, like, the main part of therapy, once you become aware of something, it’s really difficult to lie to yourself about these things. And for me, it’s just self awareness. Once I’m aware, I know that, oh, I’m doing it again, or, oh, I’m entertaining that negative, oh, I’m giving more energy to this, than I’m receiving, like, so many different things you’re able to be aware of, basically. And so, yeah, but I think the last thing you mentioned, the way you lose yourself trying to make other people happy, it’s so devastating. Yeah, it’s devastating.

Nancy: And it’s the story of my life, so I get it, of course. 

Meggan: What’s your example? 

Nancy: I mean, especially when I was in my position as the event director at Hay House, you know, really just constantly seeking external validation, chasing all the gold stars. My nickname was queen of the impossible. You know, I would be able to do anything for anyone at any time. In my marriage, even though I was a powerhouse at work, in my marriage I had no voice and did not know how to stand up for myself, and so really lost myself in the giving everything to him, in doing everything for him, and essentially buying love. I determined my own sense of worth and value by what I could do for others, what I could achieve, what I could produce. And so, you know, my whole journey that really firmly took root 15 years ago was really around being able to reclaim the lost pieces of myself and to return to the essence of who I am so I can inhabit my own life and not someone else’s. 

And, you know, right before we started recording, I was saying, you know, my book, my next book that’s coming out is Embrace Your Shadow to Find Your Light. It’s a journal. And it is shadow work that was what really moved me into being able to create the momentum for change. And you just mentioned awareness and so in this book, I lay out seven alchemical steps of shadow work, which begins with Step One: Awareness, and goes all the way through to step seven, which is wholeness. When we have reclaimed these pieces, and when we know that we are everything, we’re not this or that, we’re this and that, we’re all things.

Meggan: I need a copy. 

Nancy: Well, I’ll make sure you get a copy, my dear. 

Meggan: We all need to do some shadow work. We all need to dedicate some time to some shadow work. You’ll be very surprised, or people will be very surprised, what they find. That’s very interesting how much you can relate, even just placing your love in your actions for others and hoping to get reciprocation. Ah, what a horrible place that we were in. I look back and I’m just like, oh, my gosh, like, why would I do that? And at the end of the day, how many people did you make happy by doing that? 

Nancy: Right. I mean… nobody. It’s not sustainable either. And I guess what I can really say I feel in my heart right now, because you revealed, you said you’re 34. I didn’t even begin to make changes in my life until I was in my forties and I am. I am 60 on my next birthday. 

Meggan: No way. You do not look 60!

Nancy: Yes, it’s true. So I love that you, you know, you are having this experience so much earlier in your life, and, you know, I wouldn’t necessarily change anything because I know I needed to go through all the things I needed to go through to get me where I am today, but, you know, had it happened for me earlier, my life would be different. And I don’t even know if different is better. It’s just it would have been different because this is who I am and this is what I know. 

Meggan: Yeah. And, you know, in my book, I talk about my mom changing her life at 60. That’s when she realized that, you know, I’m not doing this anymore. I’m going to live for myself. So, you know, with that and what you’ve just said, is there something that sparks you at 60?

Nancy: There is. I’m telling you, there is. It is magical. I think I mean, for me, I know the big thing that happened or that’s happening is actually post menopausal. So I actually think that menopause is a magical time for women. It is powerful. It is potent. It is definitely the threshold we cross to, like, not give a fuck. 

Meggan: I could definitely account for that because it was like my mom was going through her menopause and, you know, the hot sweats and sucking. But then afterwards, when it started to settle down, it was almost like she was reborn.

Nancy:  It is. It’s like a rebirth. I 100% feel like it’s a rebirth. I feel honestly the best I have ever felt in my entire life, right now. 

Meggan: That’s amazing. I’m really happy for you. I’m really happy. And it’s exciting as well, because, you know, a lot of people in my generation and the generation underneath, they’re so fixated on time. Like, I know I made with kids and making like, half a million pounds a year at 28, you’re a failure and it’s like a lot of the people around me are much older. My therapist is 64. You know, I still have some elders. You know, I have a lot of family that are in their sixties now. And when I look at how they’re operating, I’m just like, this life doesn’t have any limits. You go on Instagram and you’ll see, like, a 90 year old doing 100 push ups, he’s got a six pad. There’s nothing to speed up. There’s nothing to fast track, you know? And I just love when I meet people who are over 60 or approaching, looking like yourself, you need to drop your skincare. So we can all learn

Nancy:  Olive oil. Olive oil is my secret. 

Meggan: For the skin or for the hair? 

Nancy: For the skin. 

Meggan: Amazing. 

Nancy: I think we also have to remember that to bring it full circle.Louise Hay started hay house at 60 years old.

Meggan:  I didn’t know that. 

Nancy: Yes, she did. She started it at 60. 

Meggan: Oh, that just makes you feel even better, right?

Nancy: Because you have so much time. You have so much time. And I love that you are grabbing this moment and you’re bringing your full self to this moment and sharing yourself with us in this book. And once again, the book is How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart. I mean, what a gorgeous. Just a gorgeous title and a gorgeous book. And you, my dear, are magnificent. And it has been a pleasure having you here.

Meggan: It’s been a pleasure. I’m so sorry about the noise in the background. It’s been a pleasure. And do you know what? This conversation it’s really positively ended my day. I feel like I have so much time, and I really do appreciate this. Thank you so much. 

Nancy: So glad. So you can follow on Instagram @theGoodquote. And then where’s the best place to go for the book? 

Meggan: Amazon.

Nancy:  Great. Megan, what a treat. I look forward to the next time we’re able to be in each other’s physical presence. But for now, this has been a good, it’s been a good jolt. 

Meggan:Thank you so much for having me on your show. I really appreciate it. And I wish you the best on June 18. 

Nancy: Yes, June 18 for me. 

Meggan: June 25 for myself. Wonderful. 

Nancy: Yay. Thank you. Thank you. And to everyone listening, I’ll be back with you again next week.

Nancy: Thanks so much for joining me today. I invite you to head on over to nancylevin.com to check out all the goodies I have there for you. And if you’ve enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, leave a rating and a review. I’ll meet you back here next week.