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Episode 127: The Influence of Inherited Family Trauma with Johanna Lynn

In this episode...

In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I’m joined by Johanna Lynn, founder of The Family Imprint Institute. We delve into the fascinating world of epigenetics and the influence of inherited family trauma on our lives. We discuss the emotional imprints passed down through generations, the lingering influence they play in our day-to-day lives, and how understanding your epigenetics helps to explore your past, uncover hidden patterns, and make conscious choices for a better future. 

Listen to The Nancy Levin Show: Episode 127 to better understand the role epigenetics play in our lives and how you can break the generational cycle.

What We Discuss & Highlights From Episode 127:

  • Epigenetics and inherited family trauma
  • The emotional imprints we inherit from birth
  • Identifying and resolving family patterns
  • The role self-awareness plays in creating peace

Click here to view the transcript

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